Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

tugas 1 kewirausahaan

Jewelry Contemporary With Traditional Techniques

Published By Regarding Entrepreneurial Industrial Technology under Tags: contemporary jewelery, traditional Jewelry, silver borobudur

Anxiety to a condition or situation on the ground is often given rise to a new idea or creation. as practiced by selly sagita.

Contemporary JewelleryStarting from anguish to see silver jewelry products in the Kotagede, Yogyakarta, the model and manufacturing underdeveloped, Selly was moved to go into the jewelry business and make new creations.Most jewelry on the market today are mass produced jewelry by jewelry-making machines, once a design is completed, it can be coupled with an infinite number and the results are all the same, he said.

Because the nature of mass, said Selly, the resulting product is less fashionable and artistic value or selling price of the product jewelry manufacturers often below expectations.In fact, Kotagede, Yogyakarta, an area that has long been recognized as an icon of the silver jewelry in the country. Seeing the huge market potential that can be exploited, Selly, who originally was a university lecturer, decided to establish Borobudur Silver in 1989.

Through the effort flag, he specializes in the manufacture of silver jewelry with traditional systems or 100% handmade by staying on the development of new models menggacu (contemporary) I develop products utilizing craftsmanship of jewelry with filigree techniques, he said.Jewelry is contemporary with traditional techniquesSelly filigree technique chosen because this technique can be applied to the manufacture of jewelry, beads and art objects such as pill boxes and miniatur.Dia recognize that the strength of a product by naked eye jewelry is the design of the jewelry. But it was not a problem.

We have a source that never runs out. Nature with diverse flora and fauna has long been providing design ideas that can be created tiruannya.Begitu also with cultural traditions, religions, customs and shape of the building can also affect the shape of the design, paparnya.Untuk make jewelry with filigree technique, there are a number of stages or yangdilakukan the Borobudur Silver with 50 power craftsmen.First, determine the metal material to be used as jewelry, whether gold, silver or copper. To be a good result, the recommended levels for filigree technique and the lowest is 23 carat gold and 18 carat for 925 or 800 levels for perak.Untuk copper, there is no fixed rule to determine levels because copper is not considered a precious metal.

Once the material is determined, the process of making filigree jewelry products with engineering can begin. Making jewelry products begins with the melting of pure silver or copper materials for manufacturing pure yarn / wire perak.Komposisi mixing silver and copper are determined by the purpose of the use of wire, said Selly.For the wire frame, which is used Borobudur Silver composition consisting on 95% silver and 5% copper because it is a very powerful mix. As for the wire content of the comparison is 98: 2.

Once the wire is made, the next step is to form a pattern for each of the required components (petals). The trick, rather large-sized wire dikelilingkan the mall forms / patterns are shaped petals in order to obtain an empty field petal-shaped frame to be welded in the field meeting.Silver wire frame and then glued on the paper with glue so as not lepas.Dengan uses two small wires that are twisted, empty field filled with the appropriate motives.All components of the fields already filled then sprinkled on the surface of the solder powder and heated with fire field. At this stage the paper will burn, the metal will be black because jelaga.Komponen then reversed and re-heated by the fire to make sure the surface of the back is also etched well.

Once all the components are ready, the next step is to assemble the components that correspond to the desired shape, soldered at the point-titk meeting. At this stage, no longer sown brazing method, but only at the points of connection. At this stage, the component of interest is still black.Traditional Contemporary JewelleryThe final form of the already assembled and then cleaned by boiling in water mixed with alum. The components that originally filled with black as soot would begin to show its true colors (yellow for gold, white for silver, brown to copper).

According Selly, boiled jewelry was still looked dull, it needs highlighted with sangling techniques, then washed with a sponge and fruit lerak.Cara is already becoming obsolete because it can be replaced with a cleaning tool called tumbler. But not all jewelry can be cleaned with a tumbler because of the limited size of the device or because of the shape model of jewelry, he said ..Since all stages is done using hand-craftsmanship, jewelry created with this technique can be said to be 100% filigree work done tangan.Usaha middle-aged woman with her Silver Borobudur is finally bearing fruit. Product filigree silver jewelry with techniques that the company was able to penetrate the international market.

Routinely, Selly supplying its products to buyers in the United States, Australia, and Jepang.Selain it, creations in silver jewelry making product designs have won him IGDS 2008. to improve and ensure the quality of its products, Selly SNI has also implemented as a requirement for their production. Borobudur Silver buyers will also receive a certificate as a guarantee for the quality of the products they purchase.