Selasa, 25 November 2014

Analyze -Ing form in article

Calls for Jokowi to explain controversial decisions
With his approval rating hitting the lowest point yet since his inauguration last month, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo must ensure he provides the public with clear and transparent reasoning behind some of his recent controversial decisions, to avoid growing doubt over his administration, analysts have said.
Although Jokowi had discussed his plan to reallocate the fuel subsidy immediately after his inauguration, political researcher Rully Akbar from Jakarta-based pollster the Indonesian Survey Circle (LSI), considered that Jokowi’s decision to execute the plan last week was “too soon”.“Technically speaking, many people at all economic levels are still unable to understand the reasoning behind the government’s decision [to increase fuel prices],” Rully told The Jakarta Post on Sunday.
“Even after Jokowi stepped up to announce the hike himself, such a non-populist decision will impact on him as the highest decision maker.”
Less than a month after assuming the country’s highest political office, Jokowi increased the prices of subsidized fuel on Nov. 17 to reallocate ever-increasing funds spent on fuel subsidies to finance the government’s development programs.
Speaking in a press conference at the Presidential Palace, Jokowi said the price of subsidized Premium gasoline would increase from Rp 6,500 (53 US cents) per liter to Rp 8,500, while the price of diesel would be raised from Rp 5,500 to Rp 7,500 per liter. Kerosene remained unchanged at Rp 2,500 per liter.In a nationwide survey held from Nov. 18 to 19, the LSI found that 44.94 percent of its 1,200 respondents said they were dissatisfied with Jokowi’s leadership. The survey, held in 33 out of the country’s 34 provinces, had a margin of error of +/- 2.9 percent.
Jokowi and running mate Jusuf Kalla garnered 53.2 percent of the vote in this year’s presidential election, prompting Rully to consider Jokowi’s current approval rating as “alarming”.Jokowi, who promised to support the battle against corruption and the judicial mafia, also surprised many legal and human rights activists by installing former NasDem Party lawmaker HM Prasetyo as attorney general on Thursday, instead of a non-political appointee.
Jokowi has also been criticized for keeping Prasetyo’s vetting process under wraps.The director of Gadjah Mada University’s Center for Anticorruption Studies (Pukat) in Yogyakarta, Zainal Arifin Mochtar, urged Jokowi to publicly explain the reasoning behind Prasetyo’s appointment, otherwise the public would assume that he had bowed to political pressure instead of a larger public interest.

“With his prerogative right, the President can use any method to pick his attorney general. However, it is also important for the public to know why their President chose him [Prasetyo] over other, highly qualified candidates,” he said.
The President’s declining popularity has also prompted movie producer KK Dheeraj to delay the screening of a movie titled Jokowi Adalah Kita (Jokowi is Us), slated to hit cinemas on Nov. 20.
“[We] have delayed the screening. The fuel price increases have heated up the political situation, so we will wait,” Dheeraj said on the official website of the 21 Cineplex theater chain.
Meanwhile, the Golkar Party faction at the House of Representatives is rallying support for an inquiry into the President’s decision.
“We want to know the calculation [on the rising fuel prices]. We are gathering support for the inquiry from all party factions,” said Golkar faction’s secretary Bambang Soesatyo, as quoted by Antara news agency.

1.Jokowi has also been criticized for keeping Prasetyo’s vetting process under wraps {PRESENT PARTICIPLES AFTER VERBS OF PERCEPTION Present participles can be used after verbs of perception in the pattern verb + object + present participle to indicate the action being perceived.)

2. Speaking in a press conference at the Presidential Palace (GERUNDS The gerund always has the same function as a noun, although it looks like a verb. It can be used in the same way as a noun. A GERUND AS THE SUBJECT OF THE SENTENCE)

3.Less than a month after assuming the country’s highest political office (PRESENT PARTICIPLES AS ADJECTIVES)

Senin, 20 Oktober 2014

Reported Speech ( Direct and Indirect speech)

Prabowo to attend Jokowi’s  inauguration

Following his first meeting in four months with president-elect Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, Gerindra Party chairman Prabowo Subianto — the losing candidate in the July 9 presidential election — has taken another step toward reconciliation by confirming his attendance at Jokowi’s inauguration.

People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) speaker Zulkifli Hasan of the National Mandate Party, said on Saturday that all political party leaders, including Prabowo, had confirmed they would attend the inauguration on Monday at the MPR complex in Senayan, Central Jakarta.

“Pak Prabowo, although he has business to attend overseas, is likely to return late on Sunday so he will be able to come on Monday,” he said after an inauguration rehearsal.

Zulkifli said that he had contacted all party leaders to confirm their attendance.

Apart from party leaders, Zulkifli said that other political figures would also attend the event.

“Amien [Rais] will be there, God willing. All of our political figures will be there to ensure the success of the event,” he said, referring to a former speaker of the MPR and one of Jokowi’s staunchest critics.

Prabowo himself has been non-committal as to whether he would attend. The Gerindra chairman claimed that he had not received an invitation, which was supposed to have been handed to him at 3 p.m. on Friday by Zulkifli.

“As a statesman and a citizen of this nation, if I am invited to the ceremony then I will attend. However, I have said to Pak Jokowi that I may not be able to attend due to personal family matters overseas that I must attend to,” he said, after a meeting with Jokowi at his father’s house on Friday.

However, Prabowo promised that if he could get back from overseas by Sunday night, he would go to the inauguration.

Prabowo did not disclose the purpose of his trip or its destination.

Separately, Gerindra secretary-general Ahmad Muzani said that Prabowo had no obligation to attend the ceremony, noting that he did not attend the inauguration of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in 2009, when Prabowo was the running mate of Yudhoyono’s rival, Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) chairwoman Megawati Soekarnoputri.

Political researcher Hanta Yuda of the Pol-Tracking Institute said that Prabowo’s presence at the ceremony could bode well for the country’s democracy.

“If he attends the ceremony, then at least he will set a good example and be an improvement over 2004 and 2009, when he did not show up,” he told The Jakarta Post on Saturday.

Regardless of whether Prabowo would attend or not, Hanta said that Friday’s meeting was a positive sign of reconciliation.

“Even before Jokowi is sworn in, they have agreed to meet. Compare that with Yudhoyono and Megawati, who have not been able to have a single meeting even as Yudhoyono wraps up his term,” he said.

Hanta added that Prabowo’s presence did not mean that Prabowo’s Red-and-White Coalition would drop its opposition to Jokowi’s administration. “It is too early to link Prabowo’s attendance with the easing of political tension at the House [of Representatives],” he said.

The MPR on Saturday staged its final rehearsal for the swearing-in. Several foreign leaders, including Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, US Secretary of State John Kerry and US Republican senator and former presidential candidate John McCain, are expected to attend the ceremony.

National Police chief Gen. Sutarman has said that more than 24,000 police will be deployed to secure the event, most of whom will be concentrated on the MPR complex and its surroundings.

The MPR has earmarked Rp 1 billion (US$82,610) for the ceremony, which Zulkifli said was much less than for the inauguration of regional heads.

After the inauguration, volunteers for Jokowi will throw a street party to celebrate.

Jokowi and vice president-elect Jusuf Kalla are expected to join a a “people’s parade”, riding a horse-drawn carriage from Semanggi to the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle.

The Jakarta Police are expected to close off several of the city’s main thoroughfares for the parade and divert traffic from affected areas.

Analyze indirect and direct speech :


1. Zulkifli said that he had contacted all party leaders to confirm their attendance. ( reported speech)
Change :
He  explained that he had been contact all leaders party to confirm their attended
 ==The reported speech: He said he liked it. He thought that Irene was late. She hoped she would pass the exam.
The reported speech is typically introduced by verbs such as say, tell, admit, complain, explain, remind, reply, think, hope, offer, refuse etc. in the past tense.
2.“Pak Prabowo, although he has business to attend overseas, is likely to return late on Sunday so he will be able to come on Monday,” he said after an inauguration rehearsal.
Change :
== he said he be attend to return late on Sunday although he has business so he wil able to come on Monday.
We have to change the pronouns to keep the same meaning of a sentence.


From this article didn’t have some of Question (reported speech) so I created by self.
"Will you make coffee?" he said. - He asked me if I would make coffee.
(Questions with ask).
"Did he marry Sue?" she said. - She wondered if/whether he had married Sue.
(Questions become statements. The reporting verb say changes into ask, want to know, wonder)


Imperative sentences do not normally have an expressed subject. This is because the subject ‘you’ is usually understood. As a result of this, imperative sentences begin with a verb in the simple present tense.

Direct: The old woman said to the boy, ‘Please help me.’
Indirect: The old woman requested the boy to help her.

Direct: The old woman said to the boy, ‘Please help me.’
Indirect: The old woman requested the boy to help her.

Minggu, 05 Oktober 2014

Pengajaran Bahasa inggris Berbantuan Komputer, Active and Passive Voice

A. Active / Passive  voice
Active Voice is a feature of sentences in which the subject performs the action of the verb and the direct object is the goal or the recipient
example : The mechanic fixed the car.When using the active voice, the subjects are the ones performing the action.
God loves all men. Birds build nests.
In these three sentences the subject does the action. Hence they are in the active avoice.

Passive Voice is a feature of sentences in which the object or goal of the action functions as the sentence subject and the main verb phrase includes the verb to be and the past participle
example: The car was fixed by the mechanic.In the passive voice, the verb takes an object.
All men are loved by God.
Nests are built by birds.
Bones are eaten by dog.
These sentences are in passive voice. The Passive voice is used in English
(a) To stress the action done rather than the doer of the action(b) If the doer is unknown(c) When it is more convenientChanges of Pronouns:

Active Voice is a feature of sentences in which the subject performs the action of the verb and the direct object is the goal or the recipientexample : The mechanic fixed the car.When using the active voice, the subjects are the ones performing the action.God loves all men. Birds build nests.In these three sentences the subject does the action. Hence they are in the active avoice. 

2. PASSIVE VOICEPassive Voice is a feature of sentences in which the object or goal of the action functions as the sentence subject and the main verb phrase includes the verb to be and the past participleexample: The car was fixed by the mechanic.In the passive voice, the verb takes an object.All men are loved by God.Nests are built by birds.Bones are eaten by dog.These sentences are in passive voice. The Passive voice is used in English (a) To stress the action done rather than the doer of the action(b) If the doer is unknown(c) When it is more convenientChanges of Pronouns:
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Rules for changing Active Voice into Passive Voice:
Identify the subject, the verb and the object: SVO
Change the object into subject
Put the suitable helping verb or auxiliary verb. In case helping verb is given, use the same. But note that the helping verb given agrees with the object.
Change the verb into past participle of the verb.
Add the preposition "by"
Change the subject into object.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
I write a letter
A letter is written by me
We must keep the rule
The rule must be kept by us
You bought a book
A book have been bought by you
He closed the window
The window was closed by him
She was writing letters
Letters were being written by her
I had posted a letter
A letter had been posted by me
I do not drink tea
Tea is not drunk by me
She does not eat a mango
A mango is not eaten by her
He will have finished his work
The work will have been finished by him
They are digging a well
A well is being dug by them
How to form passive forms of verbs?
Present Tense
go, goes
is gone (Singular)
are gone (Plural)
Past Tense
was went (Singular)
were went (Plural)
Future Tense
will / can / may / must => go
will / can etc. => be gone
Present Continuous Tense
am going
is going
is being going (Singular)
are being going (Plural)
Past Continuous Tense
are going
was going
were eating
was being gone (Singular)
were being gone (Plural)
Future Continuous Tense
will be going
shall be going
No Passive Voice
Present Perfect Tense
have gone
had gone
have been gone (Plural)
has been gone (Singular)
Past Perfect Tense
had gone
had been gone
Future Perfect Tense
shall have gone
will have gone
will have been gone
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
has been going
have been going
No Passive Voice
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
had been going
No Passive Voice
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
shall have been going
will have been going
No Passive Voice

3. An article about Disadvantages of gadgets?
A gadget is a device or appliance having a unique purpose and function. At the time of invention, a gadget is often way ahead of its peers in terms of novelty and uniqueness. This is what makes them, so desirable and 'cool'!
The top ten gadgets that changed the world are debatable. Nevertheless, popular choices would be thetelevision, telephone, camera, movie Camera, microwave oven, video cassette player and recorder, video gaming consoles, Sony's Walkman, IBM's personal computer or PC and the first cell phone released in 1996, by Motorola. The latest gadgets include superior versions of DVDs, smart phones, camcorders, laptops, iPods, iPhones, the Blackberry, PCs, computer notebooks, pedometers etc.
That modern gadgets have changed the world, is a gross understatement. No one wants to go back to the days of no television, no washing machines and certainly, no cell phone. Hi-tech gadgets are proliferating by the dozen, as companies vie with each other to catch the eyes of gadget freaks or just time-pinched consumers.
Yet, rising from the din of MP3 players, DVD film premiers and podcasts is an ever increasing evidence, braced by scientific work, of the ill-health effects of modern gadgets.
The study done by Carnegie Mellon University found that spending one hour a week on the Net led to an average increase of 1 percent on depression scale, a loss of 2.7 members of the Net users social circle and increase of 0.4% on the loneliness scale.
Intel Apple computer along with Hawlett Packard has kick-started US 1.5 million US dollar- study on the effects of Internet on society. According to a spokesperson of the companies, 'People who use the Net lose more of their friends, are lonelier and more inclined to depression than non-Net users. Greater use of the Net is associated with a decline in size of the social circle, social contact and family communication'.
A brief outline of how these gadgets and their hazards to health are described below:
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
Almost all modern gadgets produce electromagnetic fields or EMFs, be they powered by electric, electronic or battery sources.
According to scientists, EMR (electromagnetic radiation) from EMFs, can be disruptive to the human body's own natural energy fields. Like x-rays, these waves are not blocked or weakened by objects in their way. They pass into our bodies upsetting normal cellular function and biological processes. EMR can cause headaches, tiredness and even immune system disorders. Scientists believe that appliances such as electric hair dryers, shavers and bedside digital alarms are more dangerous due to their proximity to the human head.
According to the World Health Organization, 'electronic smog', created by electricity is 'one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influences'. New evidence has linked 'electropollution' with a rise in cancer, birth defects, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer's disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, depression, learning disabilities and even Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
Some persons like Kathleen Lucas, of Glasgow are so sensitive to electromagnetic fields that they are actually incapacitated by modern gadgets.
Lucas, 55, could not go anywhere near a microwave oven, cell phone, iPod, etc., without getting sick. Confined to her home for decades as a result of this, an EMF-shielding costume sold by an innovative company, Hitek, finally came to her rescue. The suit contained a silver thread, which helped conduct electricity away. For Lucas it was a lifeline from years of suffering with brain fog, digestive problems and extreme fatigue.
According to scientist and EMF expert, the late Dr. George Yao, the typical American is hit byelectromagnetic radiation up to 200 million times more intense than what his ancestors absorbed from the sun, stars, and other natural sources.
Cell Phones- Can 'Fry Your Brains'
For those who believe in the perils of the mobile phone, the fact that graver side-effects like cancer take years to show up after exposure to cell phone radiation, is solely responsible for the free run of these gadgets.
A recent study by Finnish scientists found a 40 percent increase in the risks of brain tumor for those who use these phones for more than 10 years. The brain tumor was most likely to be located on the side of the head where the phone was held. In addition, a Swedish study has found that brain cells could be destroyed by mobile phone radiation, which means that the present generation of teenagers run the risk of going senile before their middle-age!
a. Active form
*A gadget is a device or appliance having a unique purpose and function , this sentence type of simple present with pattern S+ to be (is,am,are)+verb
*That modern gadgets have changed the world, this sentences type of active present perfect tense with pattern s+has/have+verb3
*According to scientists, EMR (electromagnetic radiation) from EMFs, can be disruptive to the human body's own natural energy field, this active future tense with pattern S+ Modals(can,will,etc)+v
*This is what makes them, so desirable and 'cool'! ,this is simple present
*a gadget is often way ahead of its peers in terms of novelty and uniqueness, this sentence type of simple present with pattern S+ to be (is,am,are)+verb
b.Passive form
# The study done by Carnegie Mellon University found that spending one hour a week on the Net led to an average increase of 1 percent on depression scale, a loss of 2.7 members of the Net users social circle and increase of 0.4% on the loneliness scale. . The pattern of the passive voice is be+v3. We can see the sentence above that be is are, and v3 from the sentence above is used.
# Yet, rising from the din of MP3 players, DVD film premiers and podcasts is an ever increasing evidence, braced by scientific work, of the ill-health effects of modern gadgets,  Are largely used is passive verb. And by most of us is doing action.
# Hi-tech gadgets are proliferating by the dozen, The pattern passive voice is be+past participle (v3).
# Almost all modern gadgets produce electromagnetic fields or EMFs, be they powered by electric, electronic or battery sources.
 ,. The pattern passive voice is be+past participle (v3).

#According to the World Health Organization, 'electronic smog', created by electricity, The sentence number 5 is also passive voice, because there is be+past participle (v3)

Name : Gustina Pricilia Situmorang
Npm   :13611119
Class  :4sa05

Rabu, 16 April 2014

kelompok social and education

Name          : Anjar Rahmannita
NPM            : 10611938
Class            : 3SA05
The Tittle : The Relation Between Education and Social Opportunity

Since the time of the Enlightenment, education has been viewed as carrying the potential to lessen inequality and expand the economic and social opportunities available to citizens.

Sejak zaman Pencerahan, pendidikan telah dilihat sebagai membawa potensi untuk mengurangi ketidaksetaraan dan memperluas peluang ekonomi dan sosial tersedia bagi warga negara.

Much controversy surrounds the question of the degree to which that potential has been and is today being realized.

Banyak kontroversi seputar pertanyaan tentang sejauh mana potensi yang telah dan saat ini sedang direalisasikan.

The Spencer Foundation seeks to shed light on the role education plays in reducing economic and social inequalities -- as well as, sometimes, reinforcing them -- and to find ways to more fully realize education's potential to promote more equal opportunity.

Spencer Foundation mencoba untuk menjelaskan peran pendidikan dalam mengurangi kesenjangan ekonomi dan sosial - serta, kadang-kadang, memperkuat mereka - dan menemukan cara untuk lebih sepenuhnya menyadari potensi pendidikan untuk mempromosikan kesempatan yang lebih setara.

Expanded opportunity is important not only to a society's economic well being but to the character of its civic, cultural and social life as well.

Kesempatan diperluas penting tidak hanya untuk kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat yang menjadi tetapi dengan karakter kehidupan sipil, budaya dan serta sosial.

It is important to recognize that these educational investments don't occur in a vacuum.

Adalah penting untuk mengenali bahwa investasi pendidikan tidak terjadi dalam ruang hampa .

Larger social structures -- law and government, markets and property rights, practices and patterns of racial and gender inequality, and others -- provide a framework that conditions education's effects.

Struktur sosial yang lebih besar - hukum dan pemerintahan , pasar dan hak milik , praktik dan pola ketidaksetaraan rasial dan jenis kelamin, dan lain-lain - memberikan kerangka bahwa kondisi efek pendidikan itu .

Deep inequalities in family circumstances and social environments pose serious challenges to the attainment of equal educational opportunity.

Dalam ketidaksetaraan dalam keadaan keluarga dan lingkungan sosial merupakan tantangan serius terhadap pencapaian kesempatan pendidikan yang sama .

And even for persons with good educational opportunity, a variety of other factors in family and community life influence their prospects.

Dan bahkan untuk orang dengan kesempatan pendidikan yang baik , berbagai faktor lain dalam kehidupan keluarga dan masyarakat mempengaruhi prospek mereka.

While these observations should not be used to excuse schools from doing their utmost to improve the prospects of students from disadvantaged backgrounds, we need to understand better how larger social structures and the contexts in which schooling occurs (including family circumstances, health and nutrition, public safety, housing, transportation, libraries, and so on) influence the ability of schools to shape educational and social outcomes.

Sementara pengamatan ini tidak boleh digunakan untuk alasan sekolah melakukan yang terbaik untuk meningkatkan prospek siswa dari latar belakang yang kurang beruntung, kita perlu memahami lebih baik bagaimana struktur sosial yang lebih besar dan konteks di mana sekolah terjadi (termasuk keadaan keluarga, kesehatan dan gizi, masyarakat keamanan, perumahan, transportasi, perpustakaan, dan sebagainya) mempengaruhi kemampuan sekolah untuk membentuk hasil pendidikan dan sosial.

Education enriches and expands people's lives in many ways, including through their employment opportunities, their civic and political involvements and the quality of their personal lives.

Pendidikan memperkaya dan memperluas kehidupan masyarakat dalam banyak cara , termasuk melalui kesempatan kerja mereka , keterlibatan sipil dan politik mereka dan kualitas kehidupan pribadi mereka .

Our interests therefore extend to studies that examine the ways in which differences in educational experiences (including quality and character of schooling as well as number of years in school) translate into differences in employment, earnings, and civic and social outcomes.

Oleh karena itu, kepentingan kita memperpanjang studi yang meneliti cara-cara di mana perbedaan pengalaman pendidikan ( termasuk kualitas dan karakter dari sekolah serta beberapa tahun di sekolah ) diterjemahkan ke dalam perbedaan dalam pekerjaan , pendapatan , dan hasil sipil dan sosial .

Such work can help us identify ways to change schooling investments and outcomes in the interests of a more just and prosperous society.

Pekerjaan tersebut dapat membantu kita mengidentifikasi cara untuk mengubah investasi sekolah dan hasil demi kepentingan masyarakat yang lebih adil dan makmur.

Name              : Doni Wismantoro
NPM                : 12611206
Class                : 3SA05
The Tittle         : Overcoming Hurdles to Social Media in Education
Social Media Use in Higher Education: The Next Chapter
Research tells us that higher-education faculty continue to see significant barriers to widespread adoption of social media use for teaching, and yet these concerns are decreasing over time. Web 2.0 technologies have opened doors to highly interactive online communication and opportunities for user-generated content across a number of types of media. Some faculty embrace using social media, while others keep their distance. The survey shows that of the 33 percent of faculty using social media for teaching, the majority are taking the first step and leveraging social content by asking students to consume it. Others are asking students to use more functionality and curate or share valuable content, while others ask students to comment on the content they consume, and still others ask students to create their own social content on social sites or within a "walled garden"/LMS environment.
Faculty have many opportunities to engage students in online environments with the interactive toolsets they already use. But, as the following quotes show, when the survey asked faculty whether social media sites are/could be effective for building a successful student/alumni community, their views were mixed:
"Yes, they enable the sharing of resources. But they cannot fully replace face-to-face encounters, which are required for successful community building. Social media works best when face-to-face relationships have already been established."
— Part-time natural sciences faculty
"Have tried this; it takes considerable effort to sustain the community and not everybody participates. Too often, a select few dominate the site/group and drive others away (not intentionally)."
— Full-time engineering faculty
"I hesitate to use the word 'community' for online interaction, but it does offer another means for information exchange, which may be particularly useful to very busy students with difficult schedules."
— Full-time humanities faculty
Social capabilities give educators the opportunity to develop interactive, engaging projects and assignments for students and to build learning communities. Social sites let faculty and students share and comment on information, and interact with their peers, instructors, and the learning materials themselves. The social site environment's engaging, interactive nature creates an opportunity for faculty in higher-education faculty to keep the interest of their students and help them build up a network of peer support. The more that faculty members understand the effective uses of social media for teaching and learning, and the better the industry gets at learning how to balance "privacy" within the social sphere, the faster these new practices will proliferate across higher-education faculty and support student engagement and success.

Media Sosial Gunakan di Perguruan Tinggi : The Next Chapter
Riset mengatakan bahwa fakultas - pendidikan tinggi terus melihat hambatan yang signifikan untuk adopsi penggunaan media sosial untuk mengajar , namun kekhawatiran ini menurun dari waktu ke waktu . Web 2.0 teknologi telah membuka pintu untuk komunikasi online sangat interaktif dan peluang untuk user-generated content di sejumlah jenis media . Beberapa fakultas merangkul menggunakan media sosial , sementara yang lain menjaga jarak . Survei menunjukkan bahwa dari 33 persen dari fakultas menggunakan media sosial untuk mengajar , mayoritas mengambil langkah pertama dan memanfaatkan konten sosial dengan meminta siswa untuk mengkonsumsinya . Lainnya meminta siswa untuk menggunakan fungsionalitas lebih dan pendeta atau berbagi konten yang berharga , sementara yang lain meminta siswa untuk mengomentari konten yang mereka konsumsi , dan yang lain meminta siswa untuk membuat konten sosial mereka sendiri di situs sosial atau dalam " taman bertembok " / LMS lingkungan .
Fakultas memiliki banyak kesempatan untuk melibatkan para siswa dalam lingkungan online dengan toolsets interaktif mereka sudah menggunakan . Namun, seperti kutipan berikut menunjukkan , ketika survei menanyakan apakah fakultas situs media sosial / bisa efektif untuk membangun sebuah komunitas mahasiswa / alumni yang sukses , pandangan mereka dicampur :
" Ya , mereka memungkinkan berbagi sumber daya . Tapi mereka tidak bisa sepenuhnya menggantikan tatap muka pertemuan , yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun masyarakat yang sukses . Media sosial bekerja paling baik bila hubungan tatap muka telah ditetapkan . "
- Part -time fakultas ilmu alam
" Telah mencoba ini , dibutuhkan upaya yang cukup untuk mempertahankan masyarakat dan tidak semua orang berpartisipasi Terlalu sering , beberapa pilih mendominasi situs / kelompok dan mendorong orang lain pergi ( tidak sengaja ) . . "
- Fakultas teknik Full-time
" Saya ragu-ragu untuk menggunakan kata ' masyarakat ' untuk interaksi online, tetapi tidak menawarkan cara lain untuk pertukaran informasi , yang mungkin sangat berguna bagi siswa yang sangat sibuk dengan jadwal yang sulit . "
- Full -time fakultas humaniora
Kemampuan sosial memberikan pendidik kesempatan untuk mengembangkan interaktif , proyek-proyek menarik dan tugas bagi siswa dan untuk membangun komunitas belajar . Situs sosial membiarkan dosen dan mahasiswa berbagi dan mengomentari informasi , dan berinteraksi dengan rekan-rekan mereka , instruktur , dan materi pembelajaran itu sendiri . Menarik , sifat interaktif situs sosial lingkungan ini menciptakan kesempatan bagi fakultas di fakultas pendidikan tinggi untuk menjaga kepentingan siswa dan membantu mereka membangun jaringan dukungan sebaya . Semakin banyak yang anggota fakultas memahami penggunaan efektif media sosial untuk mengajar dan belajar , dan semakin baik industri mendapatkan pada belajar bagaimana untuk menyeimbangkan " privasi " dalam lingkup sosial , semakin cepat praktek-praktek baru akan berkembang biak di seluruh fakultas pendidikan tinggi dan dukungan keterlibatan siswa dan keberhasilan .

Name                          : FebiFadillah

Npm                            : 19611141

Class                            : 3SA05

Source                                    :

The Tittle                       : SOCIAL WORK IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS

Tawuranpelajar yang terjadiakhir-akhirinisudahsangatmengkhawatirkan.
Student brawls that happened lately is very worrying.
Tewasnyaduapelajar di Jakarta pada September 2012,menjadibuktibetapalembagapendidikankitabelummampumembangunpribadi-pribadisiswanyasebagaimanadiharapkan.
The death of two students in Jakarta on September 2012, is evidence of how our educational institutions have not been able to build students' personalities as expected.
Peristiwatersebutmenjadipembenarpendapatberbagaipihakselamaini, bahwalembagapendidikankitabarumentransferilmu (aspekkognitif), belummenjangkauaspekafektifparasiswa.
The incident became a justification for this opinion from various parties, that our educational institutions to transfer new knowledge (cognitive aspects), not reaching the affective aspects of the students.

Terjadinyatawuranpelajar yang sudahmenunjukkanindikasitindakkriminal (membawasenjatatajam, danbenda-benda lain yang mematikan), tidaksepenuhnyakesalahanpendidik.
The student brawls are already showing indications of criminal activity (carrying weapons, and other objects are deadly), not entirely the fault of an educator.
Karenaitu, tidakbijaksanadanterlalucerobohapabilatawuranpelajartersebutberakhirdenganpemecatankepalasekolah.
Therefore it is not wise and too sloppy when the student brawls ended with the dismissal of the principal.

Diperlukananalisis yang komprehensifuntukmembuatkesimpulan, siapa yang bersalahdalamtawuranpelajar.
Comprehensive analysis is required to make conclusions, who was guilty in student brawls.
Berdasarkanperspektifpekerjaansosial, perilakuseseorang yang cenderungagresifdipengaruhiolehfaktor internal daneksternal.
Based on a social work perspective, a person who tends to be aggressive behavior is influenced by internal and external factors.
Faktor internal berasaldaridalamdiriremajaitusendiri, yaituadanyagangguanpadakepribadianataumentalitasremaja.
Internal factors derived from the the teenager itself, which is a disturbance in personality or teenagers mentality.
Kemudian, faktoreksternalberasaldarikeluarga, lingkungansosialdankebijakannegara/pemerintah.
Then, the external factor comes from family, social and environmental policies state / government.
Disorganisasisosialdalamkeluargadanlemahnyakontrolsosiallingkungan, merupakansituasisosial yang memberikan
Social disorganization and lack of control in the family social environment, a social situation that contributes significantly to the aggressive behavior of teenagers. State policy / government does not favor the interests of teenagers (limited media to actualize the potential of teenagers),
may be the reason for the occurrence of teenagers brawl.

Kebijakannegara/pemerintah yang tidakberpihakkepadakepentinganremaja (terbatasnya media untukmengaktualisasikanpotensiremaja), dapatmenjadialasanterjadinyatawuranremaja.
State policy / government does not favor the interests of teenagers (limited media to actualize the potential of teenagers), may be the reason for the occurrence of teenage brawl.

Di dalamprofesipekerjaansosial, adasalahcabangkeahlian yang khususmemberikanpelayananbagiparasiswa di sekolah, yaitupekerjaansosial di lembagapendidikan (School of Social Work).
In the social work profession, there is a special branch of expertise to provide services for students in the school, namely social work in educational institutions (School of Social Work).
Di negaramaju, profesiinisudahmenjadisalahsatuunsurdalamsistempendidikan.
In developed countries, this profession has become one of the elements in the education system.
Tugasnyamemberikanpelayanankonselingkepadaparasiswa yang mengalamiproblema, baik di sekolahmaupun di rumah.
The job provide counseling services to students who are experiencing problems, both in school and at home.
Sebaliknya, di Indonesiabelumbanyak yang mengenalnya.
By contrast, in Indonesia there are many people who didn’t  knew it.

KarenaitumenjaditugasIkatanPekerjaSosialProfesional Indonesia (IPPSI), IkatanPendidikanPekerjaanSosial Indonesia (IPPSI), perguruantinggidanorganisasiprofesipekerjaansosiallainnnya, untukmempromosikankepadapublikmengenaieksistensiPekerjaanSosial di LembagaPendidikan.
Because it is the duty of Professional Social Workers Association of Indonesia (IPSPI), Association of Indonesian Social Work Education (IPPSI), universities and the other organization of the social work profession, to promote the public of the existence of Social Work at the Institute of Education.
Pihak-pihaktersebutjanganbersembunyi, dansemestinyatampildi depanpublikuntuk “menjual” profesiini.
The parties do not hide, and should appear in public to "sell" this profession .

Name          :  Gustina .P. Situmorang
Class              : 3sa05
Npm              : 13611119

In countries across the world, recent years have seen significant developments in education systems. However, challenges remain, particularly in terms of groups of learners whose achievements remain low despite vigorous institutional improvement measures and targeted interventions.
Di negara-negara di seluruh dunia, beberapa tahun terakhir telah melihat perkembangan yang signifikan dalam sistem pendidikan. Namun, tantangan tetap, khususnya dalam hal kelompok peserta didik yang prestasinya tetap rendah meskipun langkah-langkah perbaikan kelembagaan yang kuat dan intervensi yang ditargetkan.

in this sub-theme focuses on inclusion in its widest sense. Recent projects have examined inclusion in terms of: Special Educational Needs; Boys' Underachievement; Gay and Lesbian Young People and the Role of Counselling in schools. The research sets out to develop.

dalam sub-tema ini berfokus pada inklusi dalam arti luas. Proyek terbaru telah meneliti inklusi dalam hal: Kebutuhan Pendidikan Khusus; Berprestasi Boys '; Gay dan Lesbian Kaum Muda dan Peran Konseling di sekolah. Penelitian ini menetapkan untuk mengembangkan.
*better understanding of the nature of the challenges facing education systems, particularly in respect to vulnerable groups of learners;
*analyses of best knowledge and practice in the field in relation to these challenges;
*effective intervention models and strategies that have high leverage in terms of pupil outcomes;
*and forms of dissemination that will be accessible, meaningful and relevant to policy-makers and practitioners.
*pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang sifat tantangan yang dihadapi sistem pendidikan, khususnya dalam hal kelompok rentan peserta didik;
*analisis pengetahuan terbaik dan praktek di lapangan dalam kaitannya dengan tantangan ini;
*model intervensi yang efektif dan strategi yang memiliki leverage yang tinggi dalam hal hasil murid;
*dan bentuk-bentuk diseminasi yang akan diakses, bermakna dan relevan bagi para pembuat kebijakan dan praktisi.

The Index for Inclusion
The Index is arguably the most sophisticated instrument available for reviewing and developing educational inclusion.  Developed by cycles of action research in schools, it is used extensively in this country and has been translated into more than 20 languages..

Indeks Inklusi
Indeks ini bisa dibilang instrumen yang paling canggih tersedia untuk meninjau dan mengembangkan pendidikan inklusi. Dikembangkan oleh siklus penelitian tindakan di sekolah, itu digunakan secara luas di negara ini dan telah diterjemahkan ke dalam lebih dari 20 bahasa.
The Role of Schools in Area Regeneration
This study for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation explored the role of schools in promoting the regeneration of disadvantaged areas. It developed models of how schools might operate and argued for a more coherent local and national policy framework to guide schools' work.
Peran Sekolah di Daerah Regenerasi
Penelitian ini untuk Joseph Rowntree Foundation dieksplorasi peran sekolah dalam mempromosikan regenerasi daerah tertinggal. Ini mengembangkan model bagaimana sekolah bisa beroperasi dan berpendapat untuk kerangka kebijakan lokal dan nasional lebih koheren untuk memandu pekerjaan sekolah '.
The Manchester Inclusion Standard
This initiative involves a partnership between schools, LEA officers and researchers to develop and evaluate a strategy for moving a whole education system in an inclusive direction.  Particular emphasis is placed on the use of data to stimulate and challenge review and development activities
The Manchester Standard Inklusi
Inisiatif ini melibatkan kemitraan antara sekolah, petugas LEA dan peneliti untuk mengembangkan dan mengevaluasi strategi untuk memindahkan sistem pendidikan secara keseluruhan dalam arah yang inklusif. Penekanan khusus ditempatkan pada penggunaan data untuk merangsang dan menantang review dan pengembangan kegiatan

The approach is based on the following beliefs/principles:
*Caring adults need to engage with children and young people's emotional worlds (including their home circumstances) if change is going to take place.
*It is in and through relationships with children/young people/parents that practice is worked out; the process depends on these relationships, is dynamic and not reducible to pre-formulated strategies.
*Personal, social and cultural development will result from, but cannot precede. 
Pendekatan ini didasarkan pada keyakinan / prinsip-prinsip berikut:

*Merawat orang dewasa perlu terlibat dengan anak-anak dan dunia emosional anak-anak muda (termasuk keadaan rumah mereka) jika perubahan akan terjadi.

*Hal ini dalam dan melalui hubungan dengan anak-anak / orang muda / tua praktek yang bekerja; proses tergantung pada hubungan ini, bersifat dinamis dan tidak dapat direduksi ke strategi pra-dirumuskan.

*Pengembangan pribadi, sosial dan budaya adalah hasil tetapi tidak dapat mendahului hasil sebelumnya.

NPM         : 14611014
Class          : 3SA05
The Tittle : Social Exclusion and the Transition from School to Work
Social Exclusion and the Transition from School to Work: The Case of Young People Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET)
Pengecualian Sosial dan Transisi dari Sekolah ke Pekerjaan : Kasus Young People Not in Education , Employment , atau Pelatihan ( NEET )
One consequence is the extension of education and training while young people acquire the qualifications and skills that will enhance their employability.
Salah satu dampaknya adalah perpanjangan dari pendidikan dan pelatihan, sementara orang-orang muda memperoleh kualifikasi dan keterampilan yang akan meningkatkan kerja mereka .
In accordance with the perspectin the modern labor market what Côté (1996) describes as “identity capital”—comprising educational, social, and psychological resources—is at a premium in entering and maintaining employment.
Sesuai dengan pasar tenaga kerja yang modern apa Côté ( 1996) menggambarkan sebagai " modal identitas " - yang terdiri dari pendidikan , sosial , dan psikologis sumber daya adalah pada premi dalam memasuki dan mempertahankan pekerjaan .
i have of life span developmental psychology, this places particular pressure on those young people growing up in disadvantaged circumstances and lacking support, especially when attempting to negotiate the transition from school to work.
Dari perkembangan masa hidup psikologi, ini menempatkan tekanan khusus pada orang-orang muda yang tumbuh dalam keadaan yang kurang beruntung dan kurang dukungan, terutama ketika mencoba untuk menegosiasikan transisi dari sekolah untuk bekerja.
A particular policy concern in Britain has been directed at those young people who leave full-time education at the minimum age of 16 and then spend a substantial period not in education, employment, or training (NEET).
Perhatian kebijakan tertentu di Inggris telah diarahkan pada orang-orang muda yang meninggalkan pendidikan penuh waktu pada usia minimal 16 dan kemudian menghabiskan waktu yang cukup tidak dalam pendidikan, pekerjaan , atau pelatihan ( NEET ) .
This article reports the result of analyzing longitudinal data, collected for a subsample of the 1970 British Birth Cohort Study surveyed at age 21, to model the relationship of NEET status to earlier educational achievement and circumstances and to assess the added difficulties NEET poses in relation to the building of adult identity capital.
Artikel ini melaporkan hasil analisis data longitudinal, dikumpulkan untuk sub-sampel dari tahun 1970 British Birth Cohort Study yang disurvei pada usia 21 , untuk model hubungan status NEET prestasi pendidikan sebelumnya dan keadaan dan untuk menilai kesulitan menambahkan NEET pose dalam kaitannya dengan pembangunan modal identitas dewasa.
It is concluded that although poor educational achievement is the major factor in entering NEET, inner city living for boys and lack of parental interest in their education for girls are also important.
Hal ini menyimpulkan bahwa meskipun prestasi pendidikan yang buruk adalah faktor utama dalam memasuki NEET , hidup dalam kota untuk anak laki-laki dan kurangnya minat orang tua dalam pendidikan mereka untuk anak perempuan juga penting .
For young men the consequences of NEET lie mainly in subsequent poor labor market experience.
Untuk laki-laki muda konsekuensi dari NEET terletak terutama dalam pengalaman berikutnya pasar tenaga kerja yang buruk .
For young women, the majority of whom are teenage mothers, the damaging effects of NEET extend to the psychological domain as well.
Bagi wanita muda , yang sebagian besar adalah ibu-ibu remaja , efek merusak dari NEET meluas ke domain psikologis juga.
It is concluded that effective counseling targeted at high risk groups, along the lines of the new UK “ConneXions” service, are needed to help young people avoid the damaging effects of NEET and make a successful transition to adult life.
Dapat disimpulkan bahwa konseling efektif ditargetkan pada kelompok risiko tinggi , sepanjang garis Inggris baru " Connexions " layanan, diperlukan untuk membantu kaum muda menghindari efek merusak dari NEET dan membuat transisi sukses untuk kehidupan dewasa.

Name       :      Siti Mulia Rahmah Putri
NPM         :      16611816
Class         :       3SA05
The Tittle :        Social Issues in Education
"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." - John Dewey 

"Pendidikan bukan persiapan untuk hidup, pendidikan adalah kehidupan itu sendiri." - John Dewey

If there is one thing that makes or breaks an individual - it is his education. Schools, where children study, learn and prepare for life, thus need to provide the right kind of environment so that students can get an education properly. 

Jika ada satu hal yang membuat atau bahkan merusak seorang  individu - itu adalah pendidikannya. Sekolah, di mana anak-anak belajar, belajar dan mempersiapkan diri untuk kehidupan, sehingga perlu menyediakan lingkungan yang tepat  sehingga siswa bisa mendapatkan pendidikan dengan tepat.

In schools, students are taught languages, mathematics, science, history and a number of other subjects. They get to participate in sports activities, socialize with their peers and learn how to adapt themselves in different social situations. However, an impediment in the path of the child development at schools, comes by way of the various social issues that plague our education system.

Di sekolah, siswa diajarkan pelajaran bahasa, matematika, ilmu pengetahuan, sejarah dan sejumlah mata pelajaran lainnya. Mereka bisa berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan olahraga, bersosialisasi dengan rekan-rekan mereka dan belajar bagaimana untuk menyesuaikan diri dalam situasi sosial yang berbeda. Namun, hambatan dalam jalur perkembangan anak di sekolah, datang melalui berbagai masalah sosial yang mengganggu sistem pendidikan kita.

Social Issues in Education
Isu Sosial dalam Pendidikan

Emotional Issues

Isu emosional

Society has changed considerably in the last few decades. Today, the divorce rate is very high in America and many school going children are brought up in single parent families. Growing up in broken homes can adversely affect the emotional health of a student and this may lower his performance at school. However, even when children are brought up in homes where both parents are present, it's not necessary that there emotional needs will be met, as in majority of families today, both the parents are working. 

Masyarakat telah banyak berubah dalam beberapa dekade terakhir. Saat ini, angka perceraian sangat tinggi di Amerika dan banyak sekolah yang siswanya dibesarkan di oleh orang tua tunggal. Tumbuh dalam keluarga yang tidak harmonis dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan emosional siswa dan ini dapat menurunkan kinerja mereka di sekolah. Namun, bahkan ketika anak-anak dibesarkan di rumah di mana kedua orang tua hadir, kebutuhan emosional belum tentu akan terpenuhi, seperti dalam mayoritas keluarga saat ini, yaitu kedua orang tua yang bekerja.

Ethnic Issues

Isu etnis

Children belonging to certain ethnic groups, are judged as being slower learners as compared to others. As such, one's learning ability is not directly related to his ethnicity. But due to social or even geographical factors, children from certain ethnic groups lack adequate exposure to sources of learning. Also, there are certain stereotypes that have been attached to specific races and, children belonging to them, suffer from low self-esteem.

Anak-anak yang tergolong dalam kelompok etnis tertentu, dinilai sebagai peserta didik yang lebih lambat dibandingkan dengan peserta didik lainnya. Dengan demikian, kemampuan belajar seseorang tidak secara langsung berhubungan dengan etnisitasnya. Tapi karena faktor sosial atau bahkan geografis, anak-anak dari kelompok etnis tertentu kekurangan pemaparan yang memadai untuk sumber belajar. Juga, ada stereotip tertentu yang telah melekat pada ras tertentu , anak-anak yang tergolong dalam kelompok tersebut menjadi rendah diri.

Gender Issues
Isu Jenis Kelamin

Another social issue in education is differentiation on the basis of sex. Girls have lesser opportunities, compared to boys for studying, in certain sections of the society. Expectations from girls to score high in studies or study further, are less too. 

Masalah sosial lain dalam pendidikan adalah perbedaan berdasarkan jenis kelamin. Di beberapa masyarakat tertentu, Perempuan memiliki peluang yang lebih rendah, dibandingkan dengan anak laki-laki untuk belajar. Harapan untuk siswa perempuan mendapatkan nilai tinggi dalam belajar atau untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang lebih lanjut juga masih kurang.

Economic Issues
Isu ekonomi

Some social issues arise due to the economic strata a student belongs to. Students who belong to poor families, go to public schools which are not so well equipped with technology. This automatically puts them at a disadvantage, when compared to the students who go to some good private schools. 

Beberapa masalah sosial timbul karena strata ekonomi yang dimiliki oleh siswa. Siswa yang berasal dari keluarga miskin, bersekolah di sekolah negri yang tidak dilengkapi dengan teknologi yang bagus. Hal ini secara otomatis menempatkan mereka pada posisi yang kurang menguntungkan, bila dibandingkan dengan siswa yang bersekolah di beberapa sekolah swasta yang baik.

Cultural Issues
Isu Budaya

Students belonging to immigrant families, may not be well versed with English language. This creates a barrier in communication between students and teachers and thus, such students are not able to receive proper education.
Siswa yang berasal dari keluarga imigran, mungkin tidak berpengalaman dalam bahasa Inggris. Hal ini menciptakan penghalang dalam komunikasi antara siswa dan guru dan dengan demikian, siswa tersebut tidak dapat menerima pendidikan yang  tepat.

Ethical Issues
Isu etika

There are certain ethical issues in education which too, affect students such as - whether to allow cell phones in school or not, should school uniforms be made compulsory, etc. 

Ada isu-isu etis tertentu dalam pendidikan yang juga mempengaruhi siswa seperti – apakah ponsel diizinkan di sekolah atau tidak, kewajiban menggunakan seragam sekolah, dll.

Impact of Social Issues in Education
Dampak Isu Sosial dalam Pendidikan

According to the "Education Research Center, United States", around 7,000 high school students, drop out of school every day! The high drop out rates are propelled by social issues in education as mentioned above. These issues basically have two kinds of impact - firstly, the student's performance suffers and secondly, the teacher's expectations do not remain the same for everybody. That's why certain political issues on education have been raised to deal with these social problems. 

Menurut "Pusat Penelitian  Pendidikan, Amerika Serikat", sekitar 7.000 siswa SMA, putus sekolah setiap harinya! Peningkatan yang luar biasa yang didorong oleh isu-isu sosial dalam pendidikan seperti yang disebutkan di atas. Isu-isu ini pada dasarnya memiliki dua jenis dampak - pertama, gangguan pada kinerja siswa  dan kedua, harapan guru yang tidak sama untuk semua orang. Itulah mengapa isu-isu politik tertentu pada pendidikan telah diajukan untuk menangani masalah-masalah sosial.

The government is running various bilingual programs in schools, where majority of students belong to immigrant families. This helps them learn English and other subjects faster. Secondly, the government has come up with "private-school vouchers", with the help of which students of public schools can attend private schools to get a superior education. 

Pemerintah menjalankan berbagai program dwibahasa di sekolah-sekolah, disekolah yang mayoritas siswanya berasal dari keluarga imigran. Ini membantu mereka lebih cepat  dalam belajar bahasa Inggris dan mata pelajaran lain. Kedua, pemerintah telah datang dengan "voucher sekolah swasta", dengan bantuan dimana  siswa sekolah umum dapat menghadiri sekolah swasta untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang lebih unggul.

Some current issues in education with regards to politics, that require immediate attention by policy makers are - Providing family and medical leave to all working parents so that they can spend quality time with their children, providing financial support to low-income families and single mothers, giving scholarships to teachers to study further and running training programs for them and lastly, taking steps to prevent the spread of HIV, STDs among adolescents. 

Beberapa isu-isu terkini di bidang pendidikan berkaitan dengan politik, yang membutuhkan perhatian segera oleh para pembuat kebijakan adalah - Menyediakan keluarga dan cuti medis kepada semua orang tua yang bekerja sehingga mereka dapat menghabiskan waktu yang berkualitas dengan anak-anak mereka, memberikan bantuan keuangan untuk keluarga yang  berpenghasilan rendah dan kepada ibu tunggal , memberikan beasiswa kepada para guru untuk melanjutkan pendidikan yang lebih tinggi dan menjalankan program pelatihan bagi mereka, dan terakhir, mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mencegah penyebaran HIV, PMS di kalangan remaja.

The government has to make certain policies and see to it that they are implemented properly, to tackle these issues. Besides political will, a change in society's attitude is needed too, to ensure that these issues do not arise any further.

Untuk mengatasi masalah ini Pemerintah harus membuat kebijakan tertentu dan memastikan bahwa kebikakan-kebijakan tersebut dilaksanakan dengan benar. Selain keinginan politik, perubahan perilaku masyarakat juga diperlukan untuk memastikan bahwa isu-isu ini tidak muncul lebih jauh.