Minggu, 05 Oktober 2014

Pengajaran Bahasa inggris Berbantuan Komputer, Active and Passive Voice

A. Active / Passive  voice
Active Voice is a feature of sentences in which the subject performs the action of the verb and the direct object is the goal or the recipient
example : The mechanic fixed the car.When using the active voice, the subjects are the ones performing the action.
God loves all men. Birds build nests.
In these three sentences the subject does the action. Hence they are in the active avoice.

Passive Voice is a feature of sentences in which the object or goal of the action functions as the sentence subject and the main verb phrase includes the verb to be and the past participle
example: The car was fixed by the mechanic.In the passive voice, the verb takes an object.
All men are loved by God.
Nests are built by birds.
Bones are eaten by dog.
These sentences are in passive voice. The Passive voice is used in English
(a) To stress the action done rather than the doer of the action(b) If the doer is unknown(c) When it is more convenientChanges of Pronouns:

Active Voice is a feature of sentences in which the subject performs the action of the verb and the direct object is the goal or the recipientexample : The mechanic fixed the car.When using the active voice, the subjects are the ones performing the action.God loves all men. Birds build nests.In these three sentences the subject does the action. Hence they are in the active avoice. 

2. PASSIVE VOICEPassive Voice is a feature of sentences in which the object or goal of the action functions as the sentence subject and the main verb phrase includes the verb to be and the past participleexample: The car was fixed by the mechanic.In the passive voice, the verb takes an object.All men are loved by God.Nests are built by birds.Bones are eaten by dog.These sentences are in passive voice. The Passive voice is used in English (a) To stress the action done rather than the doer of the action(b) If the doer is unknown(c) When it is more convenientChanges of Pronouns:
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Rules for changing Active Voice into Passive Voice:
Identify the subject, the verb and the object: SVO
Change the object into subject
Put the suitable helping verb or auxiliary verb. In case helping verb is given, use the same. But note that the helping verb given agrees with the object.
Change the verb into past participle of the verb.
Add the preposition "by"
Change the subject into object.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
I write a letter
A letter is written by me
We must keep the rule
The rule must be kept by us
You bought a book
A book have been bought by you
He closed the window
The window was closed by him
She was writing letters
Letters were being written by her
I had posted a letter
A letter had been posted by me
I do not drink tea
Tea is not drunk by me
She does not eat a mango
A mango is not eaten by her
He will have finished his work
The work will have been finished by him
They are digging a well
A well is being dug by them
How to form passive forms of verbs?
Present Tense
go, goes
is gone (Singular)
are gone (Plural)
Past Tense
was went (Singular)
were went (Plural)
Future Tense
will / can / may / must => go
will / can etc. => be gone
Present Continuous Tense
am going
is going
is being going (Singular)
are being going (Plural)
Past Continuous Tense
are going
was going
were eating
was being gone (Singular)
were being gone (Plural)
Future Continuous Tense
will be going
shall be going
No Passive Voice
Present Perfect Tense
have gone
had gone
have been gone (Plural)
has been gone (Singular)
Past Perfect Tense
had gone
had been gone
Future Perfect Tense
shall have gone
will have gone
will have been gone
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
has been going
have been going
No Passive Voice
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
had been going
No Passive Voice
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
shall have been going
will have been going
No Passive Voice

3. An article about Disadvantages of gadgets?
A gadget is a device or appliance having a unique purpose and function. At the time of invention, a gadget is often way ahead of its peers in terms of novelty and uniqueness. This is what makes them, so desirable and 'cool'!
The top ten gadgets that changed the world are debatable. Nevertheless, popular choices would be thetelevision, telephone, camera, movie Camera, microwave oven, video cassette player and recorder, video gaming consoles, Sony's Walkman, IBM's personal computer or PC and the first cell phone released in 1996, by Motorola. The latest gadgets include superior versions of DVDs, smart phones, camcorders, laptops, iPods, iPhones, the Blackberry, PCs, computer notebooks, pedometers etc.
That modern gadgets have changed the world, is a gross understatement. No one wants to go back to the days of no television, no washing machines and certainly, no cell phone. Hi-tech gadgets are proliferating by the dozen, as companies vie with each other to catch the eyes of gadget freaks or just time-pinched consumers.
Yet, rising from the din of MP3 players, DVD film premiers and podcasts is an ever increasing evidence, braced by scientific work, of the ill-health effects of modern gadgets.
The study done by Carnegie Mellon University found that spending one hour a week on the Net led to an average increase of 1 percent on depression scale, a loss of 2.7 members of the Net users social circle and increase of 0.4% on the loneliness scale.
Intel Apple computer along with Hawlett Packard has kick-started US 1.5 million US dollar- study on the effects of Internet on society. According to a spokesperson of the companies, 'People who use the Net lose more of their friends, are lonelier and more inclined to depression than non-Net users. Greater use of the Net is associated with a decline in size of the social circle, social contact and family communication'.
A brief outline of how these gadgets and their hazards to health are described below:
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
Almost all modern gadgets produce electromagnetic fields or EMFs, be they powered by electric, electronic or battery sources.
According to scientists, EMR (electromagnetic radiation) from EMFs, can be disruptive to the human body's own natural energy fields. Like x-rays, these waves are not blocked or weakened by objects in their way. They pass into our bodies upsetting normal cellular function and biological processes. EMR can cause headaches, tiredness and even immune system disorders. Scientists believe that appliances such as electric hair dryers, shavers and bedside digital alarms are more dangerous due to their proximity to the human head.
According to the World Health Organization, 'electronic smog', created by electricity is 'one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influences'. New evidence has linked 'electropollution' with a rise in cancer, birth defects, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer's disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, depression, learning disabilities and even Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
Some persons like Kathleen Lucas, of Glasgow are so sensitive to electromagnetic fields that they are actually incapacitated by modern gadgets.
Lucas, 55, could not go anywhere near a microwave oven, cell phone, iPod, etc., without getting sick. Confined to her home for decades as a result of this, an EMF-shielding costume sold by an innovative company, Hitek, finally came to her rescue. The suit contained a silver thread, which helped conduct electricity away. For Lucas it was a lifeline from years of suffering with brain fog, digestive problems and extreme fatigue.
According to scientist and EMF expert, the late Dr. George Yao, the typical American is hit byelectromagnetic radiation up to 200 million times more intense than what his ancestors absorbed from the sun, stars, and other natural sources.
Cell Phones- Can 'Fry Your Brains'
For those who believe in the perils of the mobile phone, the fact that graver side-effects like cancer take years to show up after exposure to cell phone radiation, is solely responsible for the free run of these gadgets.
A recent study by Finnish scientists found a 40 percent increase in the risks of brain tumor for those who use these phones for more than 10 years. The brain tumor was most likely to be located on the side of the head where the phone was held. In addition, a Swedish study has found that brain cells could be destroyed by mobile phone radiation, which means that the present generation of teenagers run the risk of going senile before their middle-age!
a. Active form
*A gadget is a device or appliance having a unique purpose and function , this sentence type of simple present with pattern S+ to be (is,am,are)+verb
*That modern gadgets have changed the world, this sentences type of active present perfect tense with pattern s+has/have+verb3
*According to scientists, EMR (electromagnetic radiation) from EMFs, can be disruptive to the human body's own natural energy field, this active future tense with pattern S+ Modals(can,will,etc)+v
*This is what makes them, so desirable and 'cool'! ,this is simple present
*a gadget is often way ahead of its peers in terms of novelty and uniqueness, this sentence type of simple present with pattern S+ to be (is,am,are)+verb
b.Passive form
# The study done by Carnegie Mellon University found that spending one hour a week on the Net led to an average increase of 1 percent on depression scale, a loss of 2.7 members of the Net users social circle and increase of 0.4% on the loneliness scale. . The pattern of the passive voice is be+v3. We can see the sentence above that be is are, and v3 from the sentence above is used.
# Yet, rising from the din of MP3 players, DVD film premiers and podcasts is an ever increasing evidence, braced by scientific work, of the ill-health effects of modern gadgets,  Are largely used is passive verb. And by most of us is doing action.
# Hi-tech gadgets are proliferating by the dozen, The pattern passive voice is be+past participle (v3).
# Almost all modern gadgets produce electromagnetic fields or EMFs, be they powered by electric, electronic or battery sources.
 ,. The pattern passive voice is be+past participle (v3).

#According to the World Health Organization, 'electronic smog', created by electricity, The sentence number 5 is also passive voice, because there is be+past participle (v3)


Name : Gustina Pricilia Situmorang
Npm   :13611119
Class  :4sa05

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