adalah sebuah anugrah bagiku ketika aku muda mengivestasikan waktuku untuk melayani Tuhan dan belajar tidak hidup egois dengan banyak berdoa dan memikirkan kepentingan orang,,hmhm
Anugrah yang sangat besar itu ketika aku tidak memikirkan kesenanganku tetapi mencoba berfikir untuk kesenangan orang lain.
melayani dan bukan dilayani ,sebuah kata yang sangat memotivasiku ,aku bersyukur kalau sampai saat ini aku Tuhan kasih kesempatan untuk melayani Dia padahal begitu banyak anak muda diluar sana yang memiliki talenta ,pintar,dan punya ide-ide kreatif dibanding dengan aku sebenarnya,,,hehehe
tapi itu bukan lah menjadi masalah saat itu tetapi menjadi ucapan syukur kalau kita dipilih-Nya menjadi perpanjangan tangan-Nya atas sekeliling kita,,hoho
terkadang aku sedih dan berdoa akan teman-temanku yang seumuran dengan aku dan bahkan diats dan dibwahku..aku sedih ketika melihat pergaulan mereka yang hancur,mencari kesenangan yang padahal membwa mereka kedalam gelap,berbicara sesuka hati mereka menggunakan mulut yang Tuhan kasih yang harusnya digunakan untuk memuji dan menyembah DIA tapi malah sebaliknya,mencaci maki orang,berkata kotor,hmhm banyak hal lahh
terkadang pintar secara akademik tapi secara karakter dan perkataan jauh dari yang diharapkan adalah sebuah hasil sia-sia.
dunia memang menawarkan semua itu tanpa harus memiliki tutur kata yang baik, hati yang mau diam dan tenang. tapi akankah kita selamanya hidup didunia????
mau kah kita belajar memberkati orang dengan perkataan yang benar???
maukah kita memelihara mulut kita ntuk memuji Tuhan??
pertanyaan yang terlihat ngampang tapi sulit terkadang dijwab..
Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013
Bahagia Itu Anugrah Besar
Terkadang ketika berbicara bahagia banyak orang berfikir dan memahami kalau saat-saat ini tolak ukur manusia itu tersenyum adalah UANG. namun tidak banyak juga orang menyadari rasa damai dan sukacitalah yang lebih berharga dari semua yang ada didunia ini.
berbicara tentang rasa sukacita atau sering disebut dengan rasa senang memiliki pemahaman dan pengertian yang sangat berbeda-beda antara satu dengan lain walaupun terlahir dari satu keluarga yang sama akan tetapi pola pikir dan paradigma tetap jadi pilihan kita ketika kita menjadi dewasa ketika kita memiliki keluarga yang lumayan tegas dan disiplin dan protectif,memang membuat kita terkadang sukar bergaul,risih merasa ngak gaul, mungkin ngak punya teman,ngak bisa have fun malam,,atau apapun itu yang disebut remaja sekarang adalah suatu kebahagiaan dan kenikmatan dan kepuasaan ketika bisa merasakan dunia ini dengan bebas dengan banyak orang ,tidak terkecuali dengan orang yang belum kita kenal atau yang bahkan baru beberapa menit kita kenal dan go on kita langsung jalan..hmhm bukan berarti kita hanya bisa bergaul dengan orang benar yahh,,hmhm
No, tetapi tidak kah kita mencoba untuk bersyukur ketika kita diprotect oleh orang tua kita dan saudra kita ada suatu pagar yang kuat yang tidak akan membawa kita kedalam jurang yang membahayakan dan ketika pondasi itu telah kuat dengan sendirinya pasti akan kita temui orang-orang yang menurut kita gaul dan akan menjadi teman kita yahhh ketika kita berada dalam dunia yang sekarang ini serba modern,instan,tidak sulit untuk memiliki teman dari kalangan orang baik sampai dengan yang menurut kita tidak baik.dan akan sangat bagus ketika kita terjun dalam semua itu kita miliki dasar yang teguh untuk menjadi terang diantara gelap,,hohhoho
maksud nya adalah ketika kita keluar dari protec yang sangat kuat dan kita hidupi menjadi disiplin maka bergaul sma siapapun tidak akan membuat kita hancur, dan kita akan menjadi berkat dan bisa membawa teman kita yang hilang sukacita normal nya mendpat sukacita yang pasti tanpa harus menyiksa dirinya membuat seolah-olah kebahagiaan itru didapat dari dia bergaul dengan yang tidak benar,tapi dia sadar kebahagiaan itu adalah suatu anugrah besar yang Tuhan kasih dengan memiliki keluarga yang damai,rukun.
Bahagia itu adalah Anaugrah besar yang Tuhan kasih untuk aku boleh nikmatin dan syukuri,,knpa??
banyak diluar sana yang memiliki banyak uang.,pnddikan tinggi tapi tidak bahagia,,hmhm
syang bukan???????
bahagiaku adalah ketika aku bersyukur akan apa yang telah Tuhan ntuk hdupku dan aku nikmatin tanpa harus aku iri dengan apa yang dimiliki oleh orang lain
banyak orang mengira orang bahagia karena bisa kuliah,pnya duit tapi itu semua tidak disyukuri,itu semua akan mendatngkan sungut-sungut dan ketidaknyamanan.
belajar bersyukur itu penting karena dengan bersykur kita menikmati Hidup didalam Tuhan.kita bisa melihat keadaan orang-orang yang masih dibawah kita tanpa harus melihat keatas terus,dan intinya kita dapatkan kebahagiaan yang sesungguhnya,,
Senin, 14 Oktober 2013
Potential touritsm Berastagi In Sumatera Utara
3. Berastagi
Although not the most attractive town, Berastagi -- three hours from Medan -- serves as base for climbing two of Sumatra's most attractive volcanoes: Gunung Sibayak and Gunung Sinabung.
Unfortunately, most travelers get out of town quick after their day of trekking, but Berastagi is surroges, waterfalls, and natural attractions. The cool climate is refreshing to those who have been sweating around Southeast Asia for weeks.
Berastagi is a great place to visit traditional Karo houses to learn more about local customs.
Located just two and a half hours from the sprawling urban chaos of Medan, Berastagi is a calmer escape from Indonesia's third-largest city. Two volcanoes worth trekking, hot springs, waterfalls, and a national park attract backpackers and travelers wishing to trade scorching concrete for cleaner air. Although not a particularly attractive town, Berastagi functions well as a base for exploring the surrounding attractions.
Dutch traders colonized Berastagi in the early 1900s. Although tourism has made Berastagi relatively wealthy, the surrounding Karo Highlands in North Sumatra still suffer from isolation-induced poverty.
A. batak karo typical food in Berastagi
Batak cuisine karo particularly in Berastagi is always a hallmark for this tourist place and makes visitors will not be bored to enjoy it . Here I will explain what foods are there in Berastagi :1.Tasak Telu is a traditional food Berastagi
The food there is usually a time Karo traditional party and also not too many people know about the food , but now the food is already on sale in places that exist diBerastagi.Tasak rice stalls Telu Karo language means three types of cuisine . Ie poached free-range chicken with special spices , cepera or chicken broth and mixed with corn gongseng Sambah Karo sap the typical sauce of cayenne pepper / kincong , lime juice and a bit of chicken blood .;postID=4252731644484380951;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=0;src=link2. Labar ( Cimpa Corn ) , Karo Typical Cake
Labar Jong is a traditional food typical of the Karo tribe simalem a cold temperate region with a temperature of about 16-17 Celsius in the highlands which were karo . Jong in Indonesian means " corn " . labar made jong corn flour mixture and fed finely ground pepper and salt and then wrapped in banana leaves and steamed until cooked .3 . Lumpy Gravy Cipera ManukIn Tanah Karo , no chicken dishes are very popular with the name cipera . Chicken pieces - including the neck , wings , legs , heart - ampla - cooked with corn flour and fry until soft condensed . Of grain corn flour had the old corn field , in order to produce a thick sauce . Cornstarch is actually called cipera . This thick sauce flavored spicy for wearing tuba ( andaliman = Shanghai peppercorn ) , and slightly acidic due to wear Tikala acid ( from fruit Honje kecombrang ) . Besides chicken , also mixed into the mushroom sauce
B.The most interesting sights in Berastagi
1. Rafting
Day rafting can be done in the river Prickly Lau. The trip starts from the village Festive Stars and within 8 hours of arriving in the village Limang.
2. Mount Gundaling
This attraction is located in Berastagi district and Freedom, this area can be developed into the first stopover of tourists visiting the Karo district, because of the hill we can see the whole panorama Berastagi City, and Mount Sinabung Sibayak.
Day rafting can be done in the river Prickly Lau. The trip starts from the village Festive Stars and within 8 hours of arriving in the village Limang.
2. Mount Gundaling
This attraction is located in Berastagi district and Freedom, this area can be developed into the first stopover of tourists visiting the Karo district, because of the hill we can see the whole panorama Berastagi City, and Mount Sinabung Sibayak.
3. Lake Lau Kawar
The lake has an area of approximately 200 hectares flanked by overgrown landscape of tropical forests and the woody wood alongside the lake stretches an area of 3 hectares as the location of the camping site. For the adventure-minded travelers, from this object can perform as well as rock climbing and climbing to the summit of Mount Sinabung passes wilderness. Distance from City Berastagi into tourist attraction is 27 km and can use four-wheeled vehicles passing through several villages and agricultural land (Agro Tourism)...
The lake has an area of approximately 200 hectares flanked by overgrown landscape of tropical forests and the woody wood alongside the lake stretches an area of 3 hectares as the location of the camping site. For the adventure-minded travelers, from this object can perform as well as rock climbing and climbing to the summit of Mount Sinabung passes wilderness. Distance from City Berastagi into tourist attraction is 27 km and can use four-wheeled vehicles passing through several villages and agricultural land (Agro Tourism)...
C. cultural and ethnic clothing Batak Karo
In addition to fluency in speaking Karo, the most important characteristic of a Karo identity can be known from the name of the clan in question. Karo people have five different patrilineal clans or clan, the Karo-karo, Ginting, Tarin, Sembiring, and Peranginangin. Each clan is further divided into 13 to 18 submarga, so that the whole can be found as much as 83 submarga.
The tribal name as one of the district in the name of one of the areas where they lived (Karo highlands) that Karo district. This tribe has its own language called Bahasa Karo. Clothing Karo tribal dominated by red and black and full of gold jewelry.
Karo tribe has several traditional dances, among them:
Piso surit
Five Ones
Light of the Moon
Here is an example of the Batak tribe karo custom clothing that is also used as traditional dance clothes for five series
The tribal name as one of the district in the name of one of the areas where they lived (Karo highlands) that Karo district. This tribe has its own language called Bahasa Karo. Clothing Karo tribal dominated by red and black and full of gold jewelry.
Karo tribe has several traditional dances, among them:
Piso surit
Five Ones
Light of the Moon
Here is an example of the Batak tribe karo custom clothing that is also used as traditional dance clothes for five series
Potential tourism Bukit lawang In Sumatera Utara
2. Bukit Lawang
Bukit Lawang, a tiny, riverside village north of Medan, is the base in North Sumatra for jungle trekking in Gunung Leuser national Park. Travelers will encounter both semi-wild and wild orangutans, along with a whole host of other endangered species that take refuge inside the national park after habitat loss to palm oil plantations.
River tubing, jungle trekking, and a serene setting are well worth braving Bukit Lawang's ferocious mosquito population.
Bukit Lawang is one of the tourist attractions are located in Langkat district, North Sumatra province which attracted many tourists coming from within and outside the country.
In the period January to April in 2011 alone as many as 31,872 local tourists visiting the attraction Bukit Lawang.
Typical food In Bukit Lawang
Lemang is the typical food of Sumatra. The most famous of the actual High Cliff. Lemang made from glutinous rice cooked in bamboo after young banana leaf coated. Because of bamboo and cooked long form, this was how the origin of the term appears Lemang Bukit Lawang.
interesting sights in Bukit Lawang
satu objek yang paling terkenal dari Bukit Lawang ini adalah sejuknya
air sibahorok. dimana air ini merupakan air terjun yang langsung dan
masih asli dari alam. Selain itu menikmati sejuknya air sibahorok ini,
para pengunjung juga bisa menikmati keindahan alam yang menghijau dan
membentang dalam bentuk perbukitan. - See more at:
One of the most famous attractions of Bukit Lawang is sibahorok the cool water. where water is a direct waterfalls and pristine nature. Besides this sibahorok enjoy the cool water, visitors can also enjoy the natural beauty of the verdant and hilly stretches in shape.In Bukit Lawang tourist spot or so-called local part of the Gunung Leuser National Park, visitors can very conveniently see the lives of the orangutans and other wildlife that live peacefully in this area.
Visitors who come to this land in mayoritasi by Sumatran surrounding communities, is already very many visitors who come from foreign countries, and in general they come to enjoy the water Sibahorok, because Sibahorok has become an icon of the tourist attractions themselves that have been known to abroad
typical clothing in Bukit Lawang
Potential tourism lake toba In Sumatera Utara
1. Lake Toba
lake toba is the world's largest volcanic lake and was formed during a cataclysmic eruption which subsequently killed off much of the Earth's population. Today, visitors enjoy Lake Toba's beauty and mineral-rich water by staying on Pulau Samosir -- a new, volcanic island formed in the center of the lake.
Samosir Island is actually an island within an island, and the tranquil setting is enough to keep people around for far longer than expected. Friendly Batak descendants are always willing to share their culture; impromptu guitar sessions break out almost nightly.
Getting Around Samosir Island
Pulau Samosir is one of the most scenic and enjoyable places to ride a motorbike in all of Indonesia. Motorbike is the best way to bounce between small, Batak sites of interest; most of the road around the island is in fair condition. A rental is negotiable based on the number of days, but typically costs around $7 per day and includes a full tank of petrol. Local license and helmet laws are not enforced on Pulau Samosir.Alternatively, public minibuses sporadically ply the main road around the island; flag one down and pay based on the distance that you travel. Minibuses will drop you at the entrance of Tuk-tuk; depending on where you stay, expect to walk two miles or more from the gate to your guesthouse.
Typical food in area Samosir is:
1.naniura Naiura is the culinary name of this one, perhaps named something like the typical cuisine of Japan, so yes, but he said it came from Tapanuli.
First according to his story, is reserved for the culinary kings and also for traditional ceremonies, but over time it became unpopular culinary delights among the people Tapanuli. Acid (usually a special acid), turmeric, kencur, andaliman (typical Batak spices), salt, spices etc. are becoming major unique culinary delicious nan's. Big fish was not cooked but just soaked in acidic water that has been mixed with special spices. And the soaking process takes a very long time ± 4 hours, and sometimes there are up to 12 hours of soaking.
SAKSANG (TYPICAL BATAK - NORTH SUMATRA) Usually for Batak people eat pork, beef here pakaid aging. Could also mutton / lamb, more savory.
Danau Toba or Lake Toba is a supervolcano with big lake which is located on Sumatera Utara, Medan. In the middle of Toba Lake, there is an island called Pulau Samosir. On Samosir there is an unique culture and interesting show “Sigale Gale”. Sigale-gale is a puppet dancer from wood with Batak tranditional clothes “Ulos”. While Sigale-gale dances, the Batak song will be adding the show
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