Senin, 14 Oktober 2013

Potential tourism lake toba In Sumatera Utara

1. Lake Toba

Lake Toba and Pulaua Samosir in Sumatra, IndonesiaPhoto by Greg Rodgers

lake toba is the world's largest volcanic lake and was formed during a cataclysmic eruption which subsequently killed off much of the Earth's population. Today, visitors enjoy Lake Toba's beauty and mineral-rich water by staying on Pulau Samosir -- a new, volcanic island formed in the center of the lake.
Samosir Island is actually an island within an island, and the tranquil setting is enough to keep people around for far longer than expected. Friendly Batak descendants are always willing to share their culture; impromptu guitar sessions break out almost nightly.

Getting Around Samosir Island

Pulau Samosir is one of the most scenic and enjoyable places to ride a motorbike in all of Indonesia. Motorbike is the best way to bounce between small, Batak sites of interest; most of the road around the island is in fair condition. A rental is negotiable based on the number of days, but typically costs around $7 per day and includes a full tank of petrol. Local license and helmet laws are not enforced on Pulau Samosir.
Alternatively, public minibuses sporadically ply the main road around the island; flag one down and pay based on the distance that you travel. Minibuses will drop you at the entrance of Tuk-tuk; depending on where you stay, expect to walk two miles or more from the gate to your guesthouse.

Typical food in area Samosir is:
  Naiura is the culinary name of this one, perhaps named something like the typical cuisine of Japan, so yes, but he said it came from Tapanuli.

First according to his story, is reserved for the culinary kings and also for traditional ceremonies, but over time it became unpopular culinary delights among the people Tapanuli. Acid (usually a special acid), turmeric, kencur, andaliman (typical Batak spices), salt, spices etc. are becoming major unique culinary delicious nan's. Big fish was not cooked but just soaked in acidic water that has been mixed with special spices. And the soaking process takes a very long time ± 4 hours, and sometimes there are up to 12 hours of soaking.

SAKSANG (TYPICAL BATAK - NORTH SUMATRA) Usually for Batak people eat pork, beef here pakaid aging. Could also mutton / lamb, more savory.

Danau Toba or Lake Toba is a supervolcano with big lake which is  located on Sumatera Utara, Medan. In the middle of Toba Lake, there is an island called Pulau Samosir. On Samosir there is an unique culture and interesting show “Sigale Gale”. Sigale-gale is a puppet dancer from wood with Batak tranditional clothes “Ulos”. While Sigale-gale dances, the Batak song will be adding the show

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