Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

Draw a circle of good communication according to your opinion and explain briefly !!!

This time, I wanted a bit of theorizing about communication networks. Believe it or not, each person must have experienced the situation of the group consciously or not. Start of birth, seseroang bound in a primary group that is family. A group can be analyzed through situational characteristics. One of the factors that influence the situational factor is the communication network. Communication network is divided into five aitu form wheels, chain, Y, circles and stars as shown below.

Wheel communication network, there is a leader who becomes the focus of attention. He can relate to all members of the group, but each member of the group can only be associated with a leader. So, as a leader and communicator as a communicant member of the group who can perform feedback on the leader but can not interact with other members of the focus group because only the leader. For example, in the question and answer quiz in class, the teacher as leader and focus of attention can relate to all members of the class while the students in the class are not able to defeat communicate with fellow students, they can only communicate with the teacher.

Chain communication network, a member can only communicate with one other member of the other members can convey the message to the other members again and so on. For example, Person A can communicate with B, B to C, C to D, and so on. This form of communication can be done by covert agents to notice the message through one person to the next and the next it conveys the message to the other agents again.

Y communication networks, three members can relate to the people on his side like a chain pattern, but there are only two people who can communicate with someone on the side. For example, in the company, as the first director wants to make an announcement about the new rules the company, PR becomes an intermediary or second person to deliver a message to the staff and employees.
Network communication circle, each person can only communicate with two people in addition to left and right. In other words, here there is no leader. For example, when in the company, the staff can make complaints on the company's internal PR and other staff beside him but he was not able to deliver directly to the director.

Star communication network, this network is also called a communication network all channel / all channels so that each member can communicate and perform reciprocal with all other group members. For example, in organizational meeting, loyal members can express their opinions and exchange ideas.

What Is Business Communication ????

Understanding Business Communication

Understanding business communication is a process of exchange of messages ( information ) in order to achieve effectiveness and efficiency of the work product in the organizational structure ( degree / level ) on a system that is conducive organization . In business communication activities , the message should not only be informative only, but it is persuasive to provide an understanding of the other party in order to understand and are willing to accept a belief to perform an action or activity .

Then the discussion of understanding business communication according to experts , their opinions are:

" Business Communication is communication used in the business world yangg include various forms of communication, both verbal and non-verbal communication . " ( Purwanto , Djoko . , 2003 . Communications Business . York: McGraw )

" Business Communication is an activity that includes the sending and receiving of messages between two people , small groups or in one or more environments in order to influence behavior in an organization . " ( Floyd , James J et al . , 2006. Communications Business and Professionalism . Bandung : Rosdakarya )

Importance of Business Communication

For a manager is required to have the ability to talk about the idea of ​​ideas and objectives in the organizational environment for future progress. The importance of business communication skills are also important for how to deliver its products or services to customers. Various obstacles that may face a manager encountered in business communication, among others:

Poor communication structure
Submission weak
The use of media is wrong
Mixed messages
wrong Audience
Disturbing the environment.

Sumber :

What Is Business ????

What Is Business ????

what is the business?? probably many will think that it is a business venture, both individual and group or groups that offer the sales price of goods or services where everyone who starts a business it should be ready with the gain or loss that will be faced.

many people may think that businesses must capitalize the money, but I know a bit of that right now, we can do business without capital money yahh example by skill, knowledge, relatives and friends are the greatest capital for an initial business.

business sense conclusion is: Business is business selling goods or services performed by an individual, group of individuals or organizations to the consumer (the public) with the sole purpose is to benefit / profit (profit). Basically, we do business is to make a profit or gain (profit).

may be many people that the functions of the business it wants only a good thing but other than that there are some things that can be obtained from the business itself apart from profit as follows:
1. facilitate consumer (meets the needs of the community)
2. creating value for existing products become higher and useful
3. With the new business will open up new employment
4. assist with the development of the need to pay the tax.

Definition of 'Business'
1. An organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial or professional activities. A        business can be a for-profit entity, such as a publicly-traded corporation, or a non-profit organization engaged in business activities, such as an agricultural cooperative.
2. Any commercial, industrial or professional activity undertaken by an individual or a group.
3. A reference to a specific area or type of economic activity.

What Is Communications???

What Is Communications???

Communication history

Communication or communicaton derived from the Latin communis meaning ' sama'Communico , communicatio or communicare which means making the same ( make to Common) . Simply put communication can occur if there are similarities between the delivery of the message and the person receiving the message . Therefore , communication depends on our ability to understand each other (communication depends on our ability to understand one another ) .
At first , communication is used to express the needs organis.Sinyal - chemical signals in early organisms used for reproduction . Along with the evolution of life , the chemical signals used in the communication primitives also evolve and open opportunities for more complex behaviors such as mating dance on the fish .
Humans communicate to share knowledge and common experience.Bentuk human communication signals , including language , speech , writing , gestures, and broadcasting . [ Citation needed ] Communication can be interactive , transactive communication | transactive , communication aim | purpose , communication is not intended or | not aims . [ citation needed ]
Through communication , attitudes and feelings of a person or group of people can be understood by others . [ Citation needed ] However , communication will only be effective if the message can be interpreted the same by the message recipient . [ Citation needed ]
Although communication has been studied for a long time and include " antiques " , is becoming an important topic , especially in the 20th century due to the growth of communication is described as " a revolutionary discovery " , this is due to the rapid increase in technology such as radio communications . [ Citation needed ] television , telephone , satellite and commuter networks along with industrialization and large business sectors worldwide politics . [ citation needed ] communication in college level may have had its own department in which communication is divided into mass communication , communication for the host, and other public relations , but the subject will remain . The work reflects the diversity in communication communication itself.

Communication is a process of delivering information (messages, ideas, ideas) from one party to another. In general, communication is done verbally or verbally that can be understood by both parties. if no verbal language that can be understood by both, communication can still be done using body movements, shows a certain attitude, such as smiling, shaking his head, shrugging. This way is called nonverbal communication.

 Communication is "a process in which a person or a few people, groups, organizations, and communities create and use information in order to connect with the environment and other people". In general, communication is done verbally or verbally that can be understood by both parties. If no verbal language that can be understood by both, communication can still be done using body movements, shows a certain attitude, such as smiling, shaking his head, shrugging. This way is called the language of nonverbal communication.
Communication is a deliberate effort and have a purpose.

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