Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

What Is Communications???

What Is Communications???

Communication history

Communication or communicaton derived from the Latin communis meaning ' sama'Communico , communicatio or communicare which means making the same ( make to Common) . Simply put communication can occur if there are similarities between the delivery of the message and the person receiving the message . Therefore , communication depends on our ability to understand each other (communication depends on our ability to understand one another ) .
At first , communication is used to express the needs organis.Sinyal - chemical signals in early organisms used for reproduction . Along with the evolution of life , the chemical signals used in the communication primitives also evolve and open opportunities for more complex behaviors such as mating dance on the fish .
Humans communicate to share knowledge and common experience.Bentuk human communication signals , including language , speech , writing , gestures, and broadcasting . [ Citation needed ] Communication can be interactive , transactive communication | transactive , communication aim | purpose , communication is not intended or | not aims . [ citation needed ]
Through communication , attitudes and feelings of a person or group of people can be understood by others . [ Citation needed ] However , communication will only be effective if the message can be interpreted the same by the message recipient . [ Citation needed ]
Although communication has been studied for a long time and include " antiques " , is becoming an important topic , especially in the 20th century due to the growth of communication is described as " a revolutionary discovery " , this is due to the rapid increase in technology such as radio communications . [ Citation needed ] television , telephone , satellite and commuter networks along with industrialization and large business sectors worldwide politics . [ citation needed ] communication in college level may have had its own department in which communication is divided into mass communication , communication for the host, and other public relations , but the subject will remain . The work reflects the diversity in communication communication itself.

Communication is a process of delivering information (messages, ideas, ideas) from one party to another. In general, communication is done verbally or verbally that can be understood by both parties. if no verbal language that can be understood by both, communication can still be done using body movements, shows a certain attitude, such as smiling, shaking his head, shrugging. This way is called nonverbal communication.

 Communication is "a process in which a person or a few people, groups, organizations, and communities create and use information in order to connect with the environment and other people". In general, communication is done verbally or verbally that can be understood by both parties. If no verbal language that can be understood by both, communication can still be done using body movements, shows a certain attitude, such as smiling, shaking his head, shrugging. This way is called the language of nonverbal communication.
Communication is a deliberate effort and have a purpose.

sumber :(

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