Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

What Is Business Communication ????

Understanding Business Communication

Understanding business communication is a process of exchange of messages ( information ) in order to achieve effectiveness and efficiency of the work product in the organizational structure ( degree / level ) on a system that is conducive organization . In business communication activities , the message should not only be informative only, but it is persuasive to provide an understanding of the other party in order to understand and are willing to accept a belief to perform an action or activity .

Then the discussion of understanding business communication according to experts , their opinions are:

" Business Communication is communication used in the business world yangg include various forms of communication, both verbal and non-verbal communication . " ( Purwanto , Djoko . , 2003 . Communications Business . York: McGraw )

" Business Communication is an activity that includes the sending and receiving of messages between two people , small groups or in one or more environments in order to influence behavior in an organization . " ( Floyd , James J et al . , 2006. Communications Business and Professionalism . Bandung : Rosdakarya )

Importance of Business Communication

For a manager is required to have the ability to talk about the idea of ​​ideas and objectives in the organizational environment for future progress. The importance of business communication skills are also important for how to deliver its products or services to customers. Various obstacles that may face a manager encountered in business communication, among others:

Poor communication structure
Submission weak
The use of media is wrong
Mixed messages
wrong Audience
Disturbing the environment.

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