Jumat, 08 Mei 2015

Tugas 2 Softskill

Penerjemahan berbantuan Komputer

With the world filled with people of different languages, there is a great need for people to overcome language barriers. In order to make each and everyone understand what the other person is saying, quick translations are required. Translation machines have been developed specifically to translate those different languages for easy communication. in this time i will try to analyze some kinds of machine translaton such as : SDL, Trados, Ginger, wordbee, and the last one is Systrans. And this moment I will give the advantage and disadvantage of the machine translation

1, SDL

SDL FreeTranslation.com has everything you need for Spanish translation. Our free translation website allows you to translate documents, text and web pages from English to Spanish. For professional, human translations in Spanish get an instant free quote from our expert translators.

2.. Trados

I can’t use this one the application  translation , I see on internet this application wiil coming soon.
Trados is a computer assisted translation application for Windows. This CAT application is one of the most popular one, partly due to the fact that it allows the translator to do a lot with it. TRADOS assists the user in translating any text, but is more successful in texts that are similar to each other. TRADOS is an expensive tool, but the translator will appreciate all the work that it does for him.

3. Ginger

the third I will discuss about ginger, let’s see the function this machine free translation.

Communicate effectively with anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Ginger Translate is free translation software that offers language translation between forty languages. This cutting-edge translation tool allows you to express yourself naturally in many languages including Spanish, French, German, Japanese, and many others.
Using Ginger Translate is easy. Simply choose a language and input the text you’d like the translation tool to transform. You can use this language translation software to communicate with others or to improve your own English skills.

4, Systrans

Systrans the translate application can not use to many language just can some language such as : Arabic, Dutch, German, English, Spanish, French, greek, italian, japanese, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, swedish. Systrans can not translate from Indonesian as the source language and the target language, we can not translate another language expect that what in this application.

5. Wordbee
 This application have same the problem , I can use this application . this application is one of the application that easy to learning. The Wordbee translation management system is an innovative "cloud translation" solution that brings all your translation collaborators together in one


Penerjemahan berbantuan komputer

Tugas 3 softskill
Name : Gustina .P. Situmorang
Class  :4SA05
NPM  : 13611119

2..      Terjemahan Intrabahasa, Antarbahasa, Intersemiotik
Di dalam literatur penerjamahan, ada beberapa ragam terjemahan yang pernah dikemukakan oleh para ahli. Ragam-ragam tersebut ada yang digolongkan menurut jenis sistem tanda yang terlibat, jenis naskah yang diterjemahkan, dan juga menurut proses penerjemahan serta penekanannya.
Roman Jakobson (1959:234) membedakan terjemahan menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu terjemahan intrabahasa, terjemahan antarbahasa, dan nterjemahan intersemiotik.
Yang dimaksud terjemahan intrabahasa adalah pengubahan suatu teks menjadi teks lain berdasarkan interpretasi penerjemah. Dan kedua teks ini ditulis dalam bahasa yang sama. Jadi, bila kita menuliskan kembali puisi Chairil Anwar, Aku, ke dalam bentuk prosa di dalam bahasa Indonesia, maka kita melakukan penerjemahan intrabahasa.
Jenis terjemahan kedua adalah terjemahan antarbahasa. Terjemahan jenis ini adalah terjemahan dalam arti yang sesungguhnya. Dalam jenis ini, penerjemah menuliskan kembali makna ayau gagasan teks bahasa sumber ke dalam teks bahasa sasaran.
Yang terakhir adalah jenis terjemaan intersemiotik. Jenis ini mencakup penafsiran sebuah teks ke dalam bentuk atau system tanda yang lain. Sebagai contoh, penafsiran novel menjadi sebuah karya’

2. translation Intrabahasa, Antarbahasa, Intersemiotik
Translation  in the literature, there are several varieties translations ever proposed by the experts. The Variety-wide there are classified according to the type of system of signs are involved, the type of text to be translated, and also according to the process of translation and emphasis.Roman Jakobson (1959: 234) distinguishes the translation into three types, namely intrabahasa translation, translation across languages, and nterjemahan intersemiotik.
The definition of intrabahasa translation is the conversion of a text into another text based on the interpretation of the translators. And these two texts written in the same language. So, when we write the poem Anwar, I, into prose in Indonesian, then we do the translation intrabahasa.
Two Types of translation is a translation antarbahasa. Standard-type is this translation in its true meaning. In this kind, an interpreter write down the meaning ayau ideas English text source into the English text target.