Minggu, 17 November 2013

Contoh tulisan investigasi

Tulisan investigasi

Jurnalistik investigasi adalah sebuah proses jurnalistik yang bersumber dari informasi yang biasanya tidak terbuka untuk umum atau informasi yang sebelumnya ditutup-tutupi, bersifat rahasia atau tidak transparan. Subjek laporan investigasi umumnya membahas tentang penyalahgunaan kekuasaan, politik tidak sehat, fenemona sosial, pelayanan publik dan lain-lain.
 Investigasi orang yang menyalahgunakan dan ketergantungan zat

Masyarakat atau kebanyakan  generasi muda sekarang ini dibanjiri dengan zat-zat atau oba-obatan yang mengubah mood dan memutar balik persepsi-zat yang membuat “melayang tinggi“, menenangkan dan membuat kebanyakan orang merasa jungkir balik  dan kalau ditanya kenapa banyak anak muda yang menggunakan obat-obatan atau zat tersebut dikarenakan tekanan teman sebaya atau juga teman bermain  dan bergaul ,atau juga orang tua dan figure otoritas lainnya yang melarang .
Alcohol adalah obat yang paling populer  terkenal disekitar sekolah,baik itu sekolah menengah maupun universitas perguruan tinggi .Dan alkohol lah yang paling banyak disalahgunakan karena orang banyak menggunakana alcohol saat-saat menyenangkan atau merayakan keberhasilan.  Dan  berikut dalah jenis-jenis obat-obatan terlarang :
Stimulant terdiri dari kafein, nikotin (yang terdapat di dalam tembakau), kokain, amfetamin, shabu-shabu, dan ekstasi yang fungsinya untuk mempercepat sistim saraf.
Depresant terdiri dari alkohol, tranguilizers, dan barbiturates dan berfungsi memperlambat sistim pusat saraf.
Hallucinogen terdiri dari LSD, PCP, mescaline yang menyebabkan perubahan perasaan dan kesadaran.
Narkotika terdiri dari heroin, putaw, dan morfin yang lebih memperlambat rasa sakit.
Cannabis terdiri dari mariyuana, ganja, dan minyak hasish yang merubah keadaan pikiran dan perasaan

                Dari kelima kategori di atas, di antaranya kita mengenal beberapa nama obat terlarang yang umum kita ketahui seperti, kafein, nikotin, kokain, shabu-shabu, ekstasi, alkohol, heroin, putaw, morfin, mariyuana, dan ganja.

Contoh gambar penyalahgunaan :
Jenis ngangguan yang berkaitan dengan zat

Ganguan penyalahgunaan zat

Deskripsi :

Pengggunaan Maladaptif dan  zat psikoaktif
Pola perilaku penggunaan zat yang menyebabkan konsekuensi negatif contohnya: suka bolos kerja atau sekolah ,membesar-besarkan masalah

Gangguan yang diakibatkan zat
 Gangguan fisiologis dan psikologis yang disebabkan oleh penggunaan zat psikoaktif
-sindrom putus za
-gangguan psikiotik
-gangguan mood
Ciri yang ketergantungan dan menyalahgunakan obat:
1 .terdapat  banyak luka suntikan atau luka infeksi ditubuh
2. terlihat mengantuk dan gelisah
3. mudah marah dan gelisah
4. berbadan kurus
5. suka bengong dan linglung

tulisan Opini

Alasan Buruh Tuntut Kenaikan UMP 2014

Seperti sedang mencandu buruh ketagihan mendesak kenaikan Upah Minimum hingga batas tidak rasional. Sehabis kemarin mendapat kenaikan gaji 2,2 juta di tahun 2013 ini, buruh mantap minta 3,7 juta tahun depan. Kilah buruh tuntut kenaikan UMP 2014  tentu saja adalah kebutuhan hidup. Berikut adalah argumen kebutuhan hidup dari pihak buruh yang mencapai angka 4 juta per bulannya:

Alasan Buruh Tuntut Kenaikan UMP 2014: Kebutuhan Hidup Layak (KHL) Pekerja Lajang di DKI Jakarta
Kebutuhan yang buruh tuntut memang suatu angka yang bisa diperdebatkan. Di satu sisi angka tersebut kelihatan ideal untuk mencapai tangga kesejahteraan, di sisi yang lain angka angka di atas terlihat “manja”. Poin-poin angka di atas cuma melihat apa yang buruh inginkan ideal dalam tiap poinnya, tapi tidak mengacuhkan konteks persaingan kerja dan bisnis yang ada sekarang.
Buruh sama sekali tidak paham atau tidak mau paham bahwa keterpenuhan seluruh kebutuhan hidup bukanlah tanggung jawab perusahaan. Itu adalah pilihan. Kalau memang merasa tidak terpenuhi, silakan pindah ke perusahaan lain, atau buka perusahaan sendiri.

Sesungguhnya tidak akan pernah ada kata cukup berkaitan dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan bahkan untuk yang mendapatkan gaji 100 juta per bulan pun. Isunya adalah: Apakah dengan upah minimum 2,2 juta sekarang ini, buruh muda dapat hidup layak? Ya dapat! Banyak sekali lulusan S1 hidup dengan permulaan penghasilan demikian.
Akan tetapi, kalau yang bermasalah adalah buruh tua sudah berkeluarga punya anak banyak lalu memaksa upah minimum 3,7 juta (karena selama ini performance kerjanya tidak bagus sehingga upahnya tidak naik-naik), ini yang bikin masalah! Justru sebenarnya buruh “penghisap darah” adalah mereka yang tua dan tidak produktif kerja malas-malasan dan jarang mau lembur. Ini yang harus diberangus.
Sekarang ini memang susah. Sementara sinetron selalu menceritakan posisi orang miskin yang tertindas dan baik hati, pada kenyataannya banyak orang kalangan bawah yang justru bebal dan serakah. Para penjarah tanah negara pun begitu, mereka tinggal tanpa sewa, ketika diusir minta ganti untung dan fasilitas. Kasus buruh ini pun menunjukkan pola yang sama.


Contoh tulisan feature

TULISAN feature

Mengisi waktu liburan dengan jalan-jalan ke Ragunan

Ditengan-tengah banyaknya tuntutan tugas dan kegiatan Ukm yang sangat padat , akhirnya mendapat hari libur . yah walaupun Cuma satu hari tapi itu cukup membuat ku merasa lepas dan senang, terlepas dri tugas yang menumpuk dan juga tanggung jawabku atas UKM yang aku ikuti.
Sehari sebelum jalan-jalan aku dan teman-teman lainnya mengundang adek-adek kelas untuk ikut gabung bersama kita supaya kita semakin sdaling mengenal satu sama lain dan diwaktu yang sama kita mamfaatkan untuk bisa akrab dan layaknya adek-kakak khususnya buat adik kelas yang merantau dari daerah lain supaya mereka merasa dan memiliki keluarga baru disini.
Akhirnya waktu yang ditunggu-tunggupun tiba kami berangkat dari depan kampus sekitar jam 8 pagi dan menyewakan sebuah mobil untuk kami kendarai dan alhasil yang ikut lumayan banyak sehingga mobil yang kami sewapun bertambah dari satu jadi dua,,hehe memang sich semakin banyak semakin ramai. Selama diperjalanan menuju Ragunan kita semua bercanda,ketawa,dan saling menghibur  .mungkin banyak orang nanya ngapain keragunan??emang ngak ada tempat lain gitu yang dapat membuat lebih fresh?
Tapi kita memang memilih Ragunan karena ditempat itulah kita bisa santai tanpa harus mendengarkan kebisingan kendaraan yang lalu-lalang . acaranya yang kita buat dari pagi sampai sore adalah kita sharing,yahh memang agak sedikit Rihani yahh kita juga nyanyi dan berdoa dan pastinya bukan hanya itu saja tetapi kita juga berputar mengelilingi rea Ragunan yang ada ,kita melihat buaya ,rusa, dan dari situ kita mungkin lebih mengenal  ciptaan Tuhan yang luar biasa yang mungkin banyak orang yang tidak menyadari akan hal itu,menganggap itu sepela tetapi bagi kita semua yang ada didunia adalah hal yang patut untuk disyukuri.
Setelah kita selesai berkeliling dan melihat binatang yang ada dan kita cape,kita  , memutuskan untuk pulang tetapi sebelumnya kita membuat sebuah kenangan dengan kita berfoto-foto.dan aku piker berkumpul dan menggunakan waktu liburan untuk hal yang baik itu lebih dari cukup menyenangkan hati.

Dan foto ini adalah ketika kita mau membuat sebuah permainan keakraban satu sama yang lain..
sekian yang bisa saya ceritakan terimakasihh…

Sabtu, 16 November 2013

Contoh tulisan news


20 Gerbong KRL Tiba di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok

Jakarta - 20 Gerbong KRL seri 205 dari Jepang tiba di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara. Gerbong ini merupakan program pengadaan PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek (KCJ) tahun 2013.

"20 Unit KRL yang diangkut menggunakan kapal HHL Volga tersebut merupakan program pengiriman tahap 2 dari pengadaan KRL tahun 2013 yang keseluruhannya berjumlah 180 Unit," kata Manager Komunikasi KCJ Eva Chairunisa dalam keterangan Pers Release, Sabtu(16/11/2013).

Eva mengatakan, pengiriman tahap selanjutnya diprogramkan akan tiba di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok pada akhir bulan November dan Desember 2013. 20 Gerbong KRL ini merupakan pembelian yang sama dengan sebelumnya, dimana Gerbong KRL dibeli dari operator KRL di Jepang 'JR East'.

"Setelah tiba di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, selanjutnya KRL tersebut akan dibawa ke Balai Yasa Manggarai untuk menjalani perakitan ulang, pembenahan ulang interior dan eksterior," tambahnya.

Dikatakan Eva, sebelumnya 30 gerbong KRL telah tiba di Jakarta pada Minggu (3/11) dengan jenis yang sama.

sumber :http://news.detik.com/read/2013/11/17/001236/2415016/10/20-gerbong-krl-tiba-di-pelabuhan-tanjung-priok?ntprofil

Three places tourism potential in France

1. Menara Eiffel

This tourist spot is the result of a series of iron 18,083 built between 1887 and 1889. Although built to celebrate a century of the French revolution, making himself invited criticism from all over France. Among artists judge the beauty of the Eiffel absence, are the architectural debate on the wind resistance of the structure. Even so, it remains faithful to the French icon visited by millions of people every year. Probably more people who want to see Paris from a height of 275 meters through the Observation Deck, including Tom Cruise Katie Holmes in applying the famous romantic restaurant.


Lif is required for this high building to transport the traveler up and down . Do you know all of this if the Eiffel Tower lift calculated annual number of usability is the same with 2 and a half times around the world or more than 103,000 miles .
The tower sways a little if berangin.Tetapi day in 1999 , the incident has caused it to move noisy 13 sm from original position . In fact, the sun may also cause the tower is leaning to 18 sm .
This iron tower is also needed caress . He initially painted every 7 years , but not any paint applied . After a session of serious conversation , copper color with 3 variations kerana tona have been differing combinations of 3 colors is considered worthy of the color lagit Paris .
When opening Rasmi Eiffel Tower , juruteranya " Gustave Eiffel " climbing all 1,710 stairs to the top of the tower for yourself memacakkan French flag 

.Sources http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/06/5-tempat-terindah-di-paris-perancis.html # ixzz2kpdNh0Ru 

2.Place de la Concorde

The square was designed by Ange - Jacques Gabriel in 1755 as an octagon -shaped plaza is surrounded by a moat between the Champs - Élysées to the west and the Tuileries Gardens to the east . Filled with statues and fountains , where it was ultimately named " Place Louis XV " in honor of the new king . The square is then added an equestrian statue of the king , which had been planned since 1748, the statue was originally carved by Edme Bouchardon , and completed by Jean - Baptiste Pigalle after the death Edme .The fountain in the Place de la Concorde . Rear : Hôtel de Crillon , on the left : Embassy of the United States .
In the north , built two beautiful buildings of stone . Separated by Rue Royale , this building is the best example of architecture of that time . Originally used as a government office , while building on the east is the Minister of the French Navy . Shortly after construction , the building on the west transformed into a luxurious Hôtel de Crillon ( still operating today) where Marie Antoinette spent her free time to relax and learn to play the piano . Hôtel is used as the headquarters of the German Army in World War II .
At the time of the French Revolution , King Louis statue destroyed and renamed " Place de la Révolution " . And is known for his past dismal and dreadful , when the " Place de Greve " is a place where the bourgeoisie were entertained by watching the convicted criminal to cut alive , then put a guillotine revolutionary government there . One of the people who were executed at the Place de la Révolution was King Louis XVI , on January 21, 1793 . Many important people were beheaded , sometimes in front of a cheering crowd , where Queen Marie Antoinette , Queen Élisabeth , Charlotte Corday , Madame du Barry , Georges Danton , Camille Desmoulins , Antoine Lavoisier , Maximilien Robespierre and Louis de Saint - Just .
Guillotine is very often used when the " Reign of Terror " , in the summer of 1794, when 1,300 people beheaded . A year later , when the revolution has shown its quality , the guillotine has been removed from the square and has changed its name to the sign of national reconciliation .


3.Musee Du Louvre

Louvre Museum is one of the largest art museums in the world . If you do not like the art , but want to satisfy your curiosity will be the Mona Lisa ( in Paris called " la Joconde " ) , or may be interested because the book " The da Vinci Code " , you still have to go to this museum . Previously the building was converted into a museum Louvre Palace ( Palais de Louvre ) which was built in 1190 and had a completion stage as the buildings seen today in 1870. And the 1989 Chinese American architecture , IM Pei glass pyramid which is used to make one of the 3 entrances .
To be able to enjoy the museum which exhibits more than 35,000 art objects from the prehistoric period to the 19th century , you have to come early in the morning around 09.00 because of the long queue , and you certainly will not be wasting your money after 9 euro pay admission .
Sources http://wahw33d.blogspot.com/2010/06/5-tempat-terindah-di-paris-perancis.html # ixzz2kphvZkfe

Louvre Museum (French : Musée du Louvre ; language English : the Louvre Museum ) is one of the greatest museums , art museums most visited and a historic monument in the world . Louvre Museum is located in the Seine Rive Droite , the first arrondissement in Paris , France . Nearly 35,000 objects from prehistory to the 19th century on display in an area of ​​60,600 square meters .
The museum is housed in the Louvre Palace ( Palais du Louvre ) which was originally a fortress built in the 12th century under the reign of Philip II . The remains of the fort can be seen in the museum basement . The building was expanded several times to form the present Louvre Palace . In 1682, Louis XIV chose the Palace of Versailles as a private residence , leaving the Louvre to further serve as a place to display the royal collection . [ 5 ] In 1692 , in the building occupied by the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres and the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture . Académie remained at the Louvre for 100 years. During the French Revolution , the French National Assembly specifies that the Louvre should be used as a museum to showcase the works of the nation .
The museum was opened on August 10, 1793 with 537 exhibiting paintings . The majority of the work is derived from property confiscated church and royal French government . Because of structural problems with the building , the museum was closed in 1796 until 1801 . Increasing number of museum collections under the rule of Napoleon and the museum was renamed the Musée Napoléon . After the defeat of Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo , the majority of the works were seized by the troops returned to their original owners . The museum collection increased again during the reign of Louis XVIII and Charles X , and during the Second French Empire , the museum managed to acquire 20,000 collection . Museum collection continues to grow with donations and prizes ever increasing since the time of the French Third Republic . In 2008 , the museum's collection is divided into eight curatorial departments : Egyptian collection , antiquities from the Near East , Greece , Etruskan , Roman , Islamic Art , Sculpture , Decorative Art , Art , Art Prints and Pictures.



Senin, 04 November 2013

Dialogue between tourist and guide

This is a small island in lake toba Baktiraja named is Pulau siMamora 
 the above is the view beautiful  from the top of the mountain down to see the village Baktiraja

Dialogue between tourist and guide in Baktiraja kab.Humbaha (sumutera utara)

Guide    :good afternoon sir ,sorry, may I take a picture with you sir
Tourist    :Ooohh of course...
Guide   :thank you sir,,btw Where are you coming from? whether you yourself ???
Tourist  :ooh you're welcome,ohh i'm come from Germany to tour and vacation at the same time want to know about the Batak culture directly with my own eyes, and I came to see the beautiful scenery in this place.
Guide  ;hmhm,,according to my opinion from your statement sir,,Batak culture is a culture that     is  interesting to visit ,isn't?
May I know why you are interested in Batak culture sir??
Tourist  ;yahh of course, because I know the area in addition to the majority of Lake Toba Batak tribe I also find out that this place has a national hero who came from this area alone which of these areas also have many interesting and beautiful place to visit but I am of the last taunya how confused am looking for because I have not found a place even lodging a tour guide in this place?
Guide ;oh yes sir, sorry in advance this area there is not a tour guide there seems like another tourist place, and if the inn is not far from here there is sir,, btw I should be a tour guide to help traveling vagabond sir over my area?
Tourist ;of course , and I am very happy to listen to it because with you it helps me to get to know this area.
and it turns out the particular Indonesian Batak people are good people .
Guide ; oh yes sir before I drove to where I want to ask a little homestage the where you know that here there are tourist attractions as well as historical places one of the heroes from Batak Indonesia,,?
tourits ; actually a bit strange that I suddenly know places and regions that are geographically named BAKTIRAJA also quite hard to find the map,,, hehhe but I know and I am interested in coming to this land because last year there was one of my friends who datng to this place with a group of friends -another friend of PARAPAT and roving tourist place and the area around lake Toba and he will tell the BAKTIRAJA area rich in tourism potential and also the story of its history is very interesting to visit, if I'm not mistaken his name was King Sisingamangaraja hero instead?
Guide ;yeah,, right sir, he is the only hero who comes from Batak and Baktiraja sendri and there is also a historical place.
Tourist ;  you mind you take me to the place?, and tell?????
(A few minutes drive to the place of history to be told)
Guide; ("started to tell me)
from Bukit Baktiraja, can look up to the natural beauty of Lake Toba.
In addition, continued Tarida, Baktiraja has three waterfalls. Namely Promise waterfalls, waterfalls and waterfalls Sipultak Hoda Aek Sipangolu. Still in complex Baktiraja, also found a place sacred. Sisingamangaraja king.
The sacred place is no palace site Sisingamangaraja XII, Spear-Sulu Sulu and many that have historical value
Stories about aek sipangolu which means water of life which is said when we got the disease while bathing or drinking water is healthy straight kembaili,,,, wow,,, great isn't it?
Tourist; whether to date the story of the healing of diseases through water history sisingamngaraja king was still believed to equal society?
Guide; most people have not believed since the entry of Christianity into the ground especially Batak Toba Batak people believe in God more than the things that happened in the past even though there are still some that remain strong to believe in things first.
Tourist; wow. Her story is also interesting,, oh yes I was hungry and time to eat because of my earlier forage say not found a suitable place,, is there here restorant?
Guide; certainly no sir, but we have to take about 15 minutes to another village to use a small boat to find a food that does not blend restorant typical Batak food but also suitable for public tongue that his tongue is not the Batak.
Tourist; does not matter let's go....
(to the place of destination)

Guide; here there is plenty of food available but more likely the result of his own lake food such as grilled fish, fried fish, etc and here are also many kinds of good juice drinks, soft drinks or other
(while enjoying a main course)
Tourist; wahhh good food here too,,, hmhm quite satisfactory after vacationing here this tonight I'm leaving tomorrow morning to Medan cost to Bali,, thank you for being my friend for this, one day ..

Nice to meet you

guide ;you're welcome sir ,nice to meet you too