Senin, 04 November 2013

Dialogue between tourist and guide

This is a small island in lake toba Baktiraja named is Pulau siMamora 
 the above is the view beautiful  from the top of the mountain down to see the village Baktiraja

Dialogue between tourist and guide in Baktiraja kab.Humbaha (sumutera utara)

Guide    :good afternoon sir ,sorry, may I take a picture with you sir
Tourist    :Ooohh of course...
Guide   :thank you sir,,btw Where are you coming from? whether you yourself ???
Tourist  :ooh you're welcome,ohh i'm come from Germany to tour and vacation at the same time want to know about the Batak culture directly with my own eyes, and I came to see the beautiful scenery in this place.
Guide  ;hmhm,,according to my opinion from your statement sir,,Batak culture is a culture that     is  interesting to visit ,isn't?
May I know why you are interested in Batak culture sir??
Tourist  ;yahh of course, because I know the area in addition to the majority of Lake Toba Batak tribe I also find out that this place has a national hero who came from this area alone which of these areas also have many interesting and beautiful place to visit but I am of the last taunya how confused am looking for because I have not found a place even lodging a tour guide in this place?
Guide ;oh yes sir, sorry in advance this area there is not a tour guide there seems like another tourist place, and if the inn is not far from here there is sir,, btw I should be a tour guide to help traveling vagabond sir over my area?
Tourist ;of course , and I am very happy to listen to it because with you it helps me to get to know this area.
and it turns out the particular Indonesian Batak people are good people .
Guide ; oh yes sir before I drove to where I want to ask a little homestage the where you know that here there are tourist attractions as well as historical places one of the heroes from Batak Indonesia,,?
tourits ; actually a bit strange that I suddenly know places and regions that are geographically named BAKTIRAJA also quite hard to find the map,,, hehhe but I know and I am interested in coming to this land because last year there was one of my friends who datng to this place with a group of friends -another friend of PARAPAT and roving tourist place and the area around lake Toba and he will tell the BAKTIRAJA area rich in tourism potential and also the story of its history is very interesting to visit, if I'm not mistaken his name was King Sisingamangaraja hero instead?
Guide ;yeah,, right sir, he is the only hero who comes from Batak and Baktiraja sendri and there is also a historical place.
Tourist ;  you mind you take me to the place?, and tell?????
(A few minutes drive to the place of history to be told)
Guide; ("started to tell me)
from Bukit Baktiraja, can look up to the natural beauty of Lake Toba.
In addition, continued Tarida, Baktiraja has three waterfalls. Namely Promise waterfalls, waterfalls and waterfalls Sipultak Hoda Aek Sipangolu. Still in complex Baktiraja, also found a place sacred. Sisingamangaraja king.
The sacred place is no palace site Sisingamangaraja XII, Spear-Sulu Sulu and many that have historical value
Stories about aek sipangolu which means water of life which is said when we got the disease while bathing or drinking water is healthy straight kembaili,,,, wow,,, great isn't it?
Tourist; whether to date the story of the healing of diseases through water history sisingamngaraja king was still believed to equal society?
Guide; most people have not believed since the entry of Christianity into the ground especially Batak Toba Batak people believe in God more than the things that happened in the past even though there are still some that remain strong to believe in things first.
Tourist; wow. Her story is also interesting,, oh yes I was hungry and time to eat because of my earlier forage say not found a suitable place,, is there here restorant?
Guide; certainly no sir, but we have to take about 15 minutes to another village to use a small boat to find a food that does not blend restorant typical Batak food but also suitable for public tongue that his tongue is not the Batak.
Tourist; does not matter let's go....
(to the place of destination)

Guide; here there is plenty of food available but more likely the result of his own lake food such as grilled fish, fried fish, etc and here are also many kinds of good juice drinks, soft drinks or other
(while enjoying a main course)
Tourist; wahhh good food here too,,, hmhm quite satisfactory after vacationing here this tonight I'm leaving tomorrow morning to Medan cost to Bali,, thank you for being my friend for this, one day ..

Nice to meet you

guide ;you're welcome sir ,nice to meet you too

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