Sabtu, 04 Juli 2015

Tugas Softskill

Name   : Gustina Pricilia Situmorang
Class    :4SA05
NPM    :13611119

  2.      Terjemahan Intrabahasa, Antarbahasa, Intersemiotik
Di dalam literatur penerjamahan, ada beberapa ragam terjemahan yang pernah dikemukakan oleh para ahli. Ragam-ragam tersebut ada yang digolongkan menurut jenis sistem tanda yang terlibat, jenis naskah yang diterjemahkan, dan juga menurut proses penerjemahan serta penekanannya. Roman Jakobson (1959:234) membedakan terjemahan menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu terjemahan intrabahasa, terjemahan antarbahasa, dan nterjemahan intersemiotik. Yang dimaksud terjemahan intrabahasa adalah pengubahan suatu teks menjadi teks lain berdasarkan interpretasi penerjemah. Dan kedua teks ini ditulis dalam bahasa yang sama. Jadi, bila kita menuliskan kembali puisi Chairil Anwar, Aku, ke dalam bentuk prosa di dalam bahasa Indonesia, maka kita melakukan penerjemahan intrabahasa. Jenis terjemahan kedua adalah terjemahan antarbahasa. Terjemahan jenis ini adalah terjemahan dalam arti yang sesungguhnya. Dalam jenis ini, penerjemah menuliskan kembali makna ayau gagasan teks bahasa sumber ke dalam teks bahasa sasaran. Yang terakhir adalah jenis terjemaan intersemiotik. Jenis ini mencakup penafsiran sebuah teks ke dalam bentuk atau system tanda yang lain. Sebagai contoh, penafsiran novel menjadi sebuah karya film.
Translation on the class
2. The translation of Intrabahasa, Antarbahasa, and Intersemiotic
In the translation literature, there are many various that was ever advanced by experts.  The varieties are classified according to the type of sign systems are involved, the type of manuscript translated, and also according to the translation process as well as the emphasis. Roman Jakobson (1959: 234) differentiates into three kinds of translations, the translation of intrabahasa, a translation of antarbahasa, and a translation of intersemiotic. The intended translation intrabahasa is the conversion of a text into another text based on interpretation of the translator. And both of these texts are written in the same language. So, when we write back poetry Chairil Anwar, Aku, into prose in the language of Indonesia, then we perform the translation of intrabahasa. The second translation is a translation of antarbahasa. This type of translation is a translation in a real sense. In this type, the interpreter renders the text idea or meaning back in the source language into the target language. The latter is a type of intersemiotic translation. These types include the interpretation of a text into a form or system alerts the others. For example, the interpretation of the novel becomes into a film work
The True Translation
2. The translation of Intrabahasa, Interlanguage, and Intersemiotic
In the translation literature, there are many various that have ever been advanced by experts.  The classification according to the type of sign systems are involved, the type of manuscript translated, and also according to the translation process as well as the emphasis (Make into parallel). Roman Jakobson (1959: 234) differentiates into three kinds of translations, the translation of intrabahasa, interlanguage, and intersemiotic. The intended translation intrabahasa is the conversion of a text into another text based on interpretation of the translator. And both of these texts are written in the same language. So, when we rewrite poetry by Chairil Anwar, Aku, into a prose in Indonesian, then we do the translation of intralanguage.

The second translation is a translation of interlanguage. This type of translation is a translation in a real sense. In this type, the interpreter renders the text idea or rewrite in the source language into the target language. The last is a type of intersemiotic translation. This type covers the interpretation of a text into another form or system alerts, for example, the interpretation of the novel becomes into a film work.

Jumat, 08 Mei 2015

Tugas 2 Softskill

Penerjemahan berbantuan Komputer

With the world filled with people of different languages, there is a great need for people to overcome language barriers. In order to make each and everyone understand what the other person is saying, quick translations are required. Translation machines have been developed specifically to translate those different languages for easy communication. in this time i will try to analyze some kinds of machine translaton such as : SDL, Trados, Ginger, wordbee, and the last one is Systrans. And this moment I will give the advantage and disadvantage of the machine translation

1, SDL

SDL has everything you need for Spanish translation. Our free translation website allows you to translate documents, text and web pages from English to Spanish. For professional, human translations in Spanish get an instant free quote from our expert translators.

2.. Trados

I can’t use this one the application  translation , I see on internet this application wiil coming soon.
Trados is a computer assisted translation application for Windows. This CAT application is one of the most popular one, partly due to the fact that it allows the translator to do a lot with it. TRADOS assists the user in translating any text, but is more successful in texts that are similar to each other. TRADOS is an expensive tool, but the translator will appreciate all the work that it does for him.

3. Ginger

the third I will discuss about ginger, let’s see the function this machine free translation.

Communicate effectively with anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Ginger Translate is free translation software that offers language translation between forty languages. This cutting-edge translation tool allows you to express yourself naturally in many languages including Spanish, French, German, Japanese, and many others.
Using Ginger Translate is easy. Simply choose a language and input the text you’d like the translation tool to transform. You can use this language translation software to communicate with others or to improve your own English skills.

4, Systrans

Systrans the translate application can not use to many language just can some language such as : Arabic, Dutch, German, English, Spanish, French, greek, italian, japanese, korean, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, swedish. Systrans can not translate from Indonesian as the source language and the target language, we can not translate another language expect that what in this application.

5. Wordbee
 This application have same the problem , I can use this application . this application is one of the application that easy to learning. The Wordbee translation management system is an innovative "cloud translation" solution that brings all your translation collaborators together in one


Penerjemahan berbantuan komputer

Tugas 3 softskill
Name : Gustina .P. Situmorang
Class  :4SA05
NPM  : 13611119

2..      Terjemahan Intrabahasa, Antarbahasa, Intersemiotik
Di dalam literatur penerjamahan, ada beberapa ragam terjemahan yang pernah dikemukakan oleh para ahli. Ragam-ragam tersebut ada yang digolongkan menurut jenis sistem tanda yang terlibat, jenis naskah yang diterjemahkan, dan juga menurut proses penerjemahan serta penekanannya.
Roman Jakobson (1959:234) membedakan terjemahan menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu terjemahan intrabahasa, terjemahan antarbahasa, dan nterjemahan intersemiotik.
Yang dimaksud terjemahan intrabahasa adalah pengubahan suatu teks menjadi teks lain berdasarkan interpretasi penerjemah. Dan kedua teks ini ditulis dalam bahasa yang sama. Jadi, bila kita menuliskan kembali puisi Chairil Anwar, Aku, ke dalam bentuk prosa di dalam bahasa Indonesia, maka kita melakukan penerjemahan intrabahasa.
Jenis terjemahan kedua adalah terjemahan antarbahasa. Terjemahan jenis ini adalah terjemahan dalam arti yang sesungguhnya. Dalam jenis ini, penerjemah menuliskan kembali makna ayau gagasan teks bahasa sumber ke dalam teks bahasa sasaran.
Yang terakhir adalah jenis terjemaan intersemiotik. Jenis ini mencakup penafsiran sebuah teks ke dalam bentuk atau system tanda yang lain. Sebagai contoh, penafsiran novel menjadi sebuah karya’

2. translation Intrabahasa, Antarbahasa, Intersemiotik
Translation  in the literature, there are several varieties translations ever proposed by the experts. The Variety-wide there are classified according to the type of system of signs are involved, the type of text to be translated, and also according to the process of translation and emphasis.Roman Jakobson (1959: 234) distinguishes the translation into three types, namely intrabahasa translation, translation across languages, and nterjemahan intersemiotik.
The definition of intrabahasa translation is the conversion of a text into another text based on the interpretation of the translators. And these two texts written in the same language. So, when we write the poem Anwar, I, into prose in Indonesian, then we do the translation intrabahasa.
Two Types of translation is a translation antarbahasa. Standard-type is this translation in its true meaning. In this kind, an interpreter write down the meaning ayau ideas English text source into the English text target.

Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

Tugas Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer

Too many babies start eating solid foods too soon, CDC study says
Four out of 10 mothers surveyed began feeding their infants solid food when they were only 4 months old and their still-developing bodies weren’t able to process it -- and more than half the moms said they had been advised to do so by a medical professional.
                Those are the findings of 
a survey released Monday by the journal Pediatrics. Considering that the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Physicians and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology all recommend that parents wait to introduce solid food until their babies are about 6 months old, the results suggest that many parents -- along with the doctors and nurses they rely on -- are woefully out of step with the latest medical advice.
                Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sent questionnaires to thousands of pregnant women and invited them to take part in the 
Infant Feeding Practices Study II. Then they checked in with them when their babies were 2, 3 and 4 months old. The responses included in the Pediatrics study were from 1,334 mothers.
Overall, 539 of those mothers -- or 40.4% -- said they started feeding their babies solid food before they turned 4 months old. Those foods included yogurt, tofu, infant cereal, fruits and vegetables, peanut butter, eggs, fish, chicken, meat and even French fries.

Banyak bayi yang dengan cepat makan makanan padat , CDC Studi menjelaskan

empat dari 10 Ibu yang diteliti mengatakan bahwa bayi mulai makan makanan padat ketika berusia 4 bulan dan mereka sedang dalam proses perkembangan tubuh yang tidak memungkinkan untuk memprosesnya dan lebih dari setengah dari ibu tersebut berkata bahwa mereka telah disarankan untuk melakukannya oleh medis professional.
             Mereka adalah temuan dari survei yang dirilis Senin oleh jurnal Pediatrics. Menimbang bahwa American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family Physicians dan American College of Obstetri dan Ginekologi semua merekomendasikan bahwa orang tua menunggu untuk memperkenalkan makanan padat sampai bayi mereka berusia sekitar 6 bulan, hasil menunjukkan bahwa banyak orang tua - bersama dengan para dokter dan perawat mereka bergantung pada - yang menyedihkan keluar dari langkah dengan saran medis terbaru.

           Para peneliti dari Pusat Pengendalian dan Pencegahan Penyakit mengirim kuesioner kepada ribuan ibu hamil dan mengundang mereka untuk mengambil bagian dalam bayi Studi Praktek Feeding II. Kemudian mereka memeriksa dengan mereka ketika bayi mereka berusia 2, 3 dan 4 bulan. Tanggapan termasuk dalam studi Pediatrics berasal dari 1.334 ibu.

Selasa, 27 Januari 2015

Theory Preposition and Structure Preposition


A Mother's Crime

The golden dream had become a nightmare long before Lucille Miller was charged with murder. Her daughter, Debra J. Miller, remembers the day her family woke up. 

April 02, 2006|Debra J. Miller | Debra J. Miller teaches English at a private high school in Los Angeles.

 On Thursday, Oct. 8, 1964, the day the police decided my mother killed my father, I woke up late, the kind of late that snaps you out of your favorite dream, the one where you're wrapped in the arms of your favorite TV hunk--mine was Dr. Kildare--and he's just about to . . . when bang your unconscious tells you the sun is out, the lights are on all over the house and you're going to be late for school because nobody got you out of bed.

We were a family of five. I was 14 and the oldest. My brothers Guy and Ronnie were 11 and 9. We had recently moved into our house, not exactly my mom's dream house but the best she could wrestle out of my father, who even though a professional, a dentist, preferred nursing his headaches to the daily task of diving fingers-first into someone's rotten mouth. We hadn't been in our house for more than a few months, and because it had taken everything we had and then some to build, the living room was bare except for a green coffee table with gold legs. The windows in the kids' bedrooms remained curtainless. I didn't care. Our new house was twice as big as our old one. I had the impression that the whole point of building it was so that for the first time, my parents' bedroom would be at one end of the house and the kids' rooms at the other. This did seem to take the edge off things. On the weekends, my brothers and I didn't have to creep around silently till noon, afraid of waking our mom and dad.

But this was a school day. No one was up. Something was wrong. I threw off the covers and looked out my window. At the top of our driveway, a police car was parked where our black VW bug should have been. I ran to the family room. Everything looked the same, except for a black leather envelope on the breakfast table. I didn't recognize it. It didn't look like a briefcase or a purse. I couldn't figure out if it belonged to a man or a woman. I snapped it open. I saw a woman's wallet. It wasn't my mother's.
Why was there a cop car where my father's car should have been but no cops, and a woman's handbag but no woman?
I have always been afraid of everything. I was afraid of my parents. More than once my mother slapped me so hard and so many times across the mouth that my teeth slit my lips. Beatings with belts hard enough to leave my bottom completely black and blue and my legs covered in welts were not uncommon. I was afraid of losing my parents. They weren't happy together and rarely seemed happy about their kids. I was afraid of everything new and anything different. We had moved too many times. In first grade alone I went to three schools in three cities in two states.

Sumber :

Analyze :
1. Preposition for Time ,
Prepositions for Time. (in, on, at)
Prepositions used for time of different natures are in, on at etc.
 ex  : at a private high school in Los Angeles.
       On Thursday, Oct. 8, 1964, the day the police decided my mother killed my father

 2.Preposition for Place. (in, on, at)
Prepositions “in, on or at” are usually used for different places.
  • “In” is usually used for place which have some boundary (boundary may physical or virtual).
  • “On” is  used for surface
  • “At” is used for specific place
     ex : in Los Angeles.
            At the top of our driveway
             There are some books on the table.
 3.Preposition for Direction.(to, toward, through, into)

Prepositions like to, towards, through, into are used to describe the direction. Following examples will help in better understanding.
         We had come to California from Oregon.
        We had recently moved into our house           

4.Preposition for Agent. (by)

Preposition for agent is used for a thing which is cause of another thing in the sentence. Such prepositions are by, with etc. Following examples will help in better understanding.
5.Preposition for device, instrument or machine.

Different preposition are used by different devices, instruments or machines. e.g. by, with, on etc. Following examples will help in better understanding.

Name : Gustina .P. Situmorang
Class  :4SA05
NPM  :13611119